....on the way to the movies

Grandma J hates to break it to you, but she never made it to the movies today. I know, somethings are unforgivable, and I promise that tomorrow is another day...which means I'll make it up to you....and me!
I started out to the theatre with the best of intentions....and it was early, too early, so I swung by to see JJ for a few minutes....

Can you blame me? Seriously, this guy just makes my heart sing.

Grandma J is tempted to call this a Guess and Press, or maybe someone else already does that, so maybe Grandma J should just call it....

The back side of A-Ron....from the shoulders up. Seems some of the team members decided it was a fun thing to do...Along with mohawks.

So a vote was taken and we all ended up at YOYO's Frozen Yogurt.

A zillion flavors of frozen yogurt...

and a zillion toppings....all self-serve.

They weigh it, and you pay accordingly. Then you make sure you have plenty of Pepto Bismol at home.

And yes, we took the yogurt "to go" because this little guy was holding down the Ford. Get it? Holding down the Ford? Grandma J cracks herself up!
Sorry you missed your movie today. I haven't seen a movie in so long. JJ is adorable and I like A-Ron's haircut and the yogurt looked delicious. Well worth the detour I'd say.
Sorry about your knee. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Frozen yogurt sounds good right now. Hopefully you get to see your movie tomorrow.
Sounds like a good day to me even if you did miss out on the movie. JJ is too cute for words.
A day at the yogurt place is far better than a Night at the Museum, especially when it includes a visit to JJ and A-Ron.
The "somewhere else" you had to be last night...was it sitting next to a date, perhaps?
too bad a-ron's number is 12 instead of 13!!... he he... this haircut tradition reminds me of the hockey playoff beards... as long as he keeps hittin' i'd keep cuttin it!!
I'll take my yogurt plain.
When are you going to teach JJ how to drive?
You crack me up also!
I think your day was still quite the success!!!
Love the mohawks...wonder what I would look like with one???? NAH.
Yummm frozen yogurt sounds good. I love the mohawks!
You get to have all the fun. What a handsome bunch of boys;)
What a great diversion and detour you hade. I don't blame you...I would have done it too!
I'll take a day with 3 handsome guys anytime!
A date with three handsome fellas at the yogurt place trumps the movies any day. Throw in JJ, and there is NO contest!!!
Hope your knee is feeling better:)
Which yogurt was yours?
Oh my gosh! That looks SO good. SO so SO good. I want some right now. We don't have a place like that but I do have a container of Rocky Road.... I think I have to dip in. I can't resist after seeing that picture. YUM to the max.
That 13 is very cool.
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