HOT In The Hood
Today was a busy day around here. Busy means getting up, have some coffee, checking emails and a couple of blogs,
After showing and getting dressed, I drive up to the leasing office for the coffee, pastry and fruit that they have every morning.
By noon, I'm well on my way, running errands, getting my car washed then visiting JJ. When my busy afternoon starts winding down, I look at the outside temp in my car....

Over 100 degrees! I'm just getting used to the fact that the high temperature of the day is yet to be......

See what I mean? There isn't much cooling off until after nine at night. Right now it's 11:30 p.m., and 91 degrees.
Not to change the subject, but I received this picture from Phillip Johnny Bob and his East Coast Mother.....

nothing like rubbing it in! Dude! Don't forget your sunscreen!
All you peeps who are ultra green around the gills....look away. That's right, don't read what I'm gonna say....cover your eyes and no peeking.
For those still reading....I keep my thermostat at 72. I can't help it, I love cool. The good thing is? I have never turned the heat on in the two years I've been in Texas. Where do you keep your thermostat?
For those still reading....I keep my thermostat at 72. I can't help it, I love cool. The good thing is? I have never turned the heat on in the two years I've been in Texas. Where do you keep your thermostat?
103?? Man....
I can't resist. Who did you show what before you dressed? :-)
PJB looks good in his beach duds.
Holy triple digits. My mother and husband keep the house on the cool side year round. I'm usually bundled up. We've had a rather cool, rainy June. Forecast says we will hit the triple digits next week. No complaints from me.
Lordy that's hot. And Grandma J. listens to NPR? Me too.
The day PJB was at the beach was spectacular. The wind was blowing and there was very little humidity.
Please tell all that heat to stay behind when you come out here for Blog Fest. You might have to tell it twice, because it doesn't always listen.
no community pool at the spa grandma j?.. i have an idea on how you can beat the heat, hop on the big water slide at the local water park!!... and i hope j bear can swim, he is awful close to the water...
Now that's hawt. I like to keep mine around 74ish. And the heat lives at around 65. You should hear my kids whine;)
I hate it when my bear taunts me!
I keep my thermostat on 76 during the summer. It's easy to cool one floor, of course, we keep the blinds closed tight. In the winter...I would like to keep it on 68, but it's too cold for my MIL.
We've been hitting 97 for the past few days, now it's 90...
Drink lots of liquids, Grama J!
Yep. The stifling Texas heat has arrived. And it's killing my running times. It just zaps all my energy. We keep our temp about 76-78 in the house. Way to hot for you, but it works for us.
When we lived in TX, I don't remember it being that hot..but then again, I have lost some brain cells. My Aunt and Uncle are in your neck of the woods now and I spoke to them yesterday. I was complaining about the 97 temp and the outrageous humidity, when they told me it was 103, I shut up.
We keep the house at 77 during the day and 75 at night. Coach needs it cold to sleep and I just suffer during the day. that is how I roll. :)
We only put our heat on for a few weeks each winter, usually at 69 degrees.
Yeah, seems to just jump up there late afternoon and evening. Of course you spend all your days at aquariums and other cool places.
Typo Alert! mdv, I didn't show anyone anything....the word "showing" was supposed to be "showering". I could correct it, but then people would think I'm perfect and I'm not.
Pat, we have a community pool, and I've been using it every morning and evening until Sunday nigt. I hesitate telling you guys what happened Sunday night. I have pictures too....but some people have weak stomachs.
OH yes, Deb, I drink two cases of AquaFina water a week...and tons of other fluids.
CBW, you and Phil are having a grand ol time at the beach...wait til MPM and I get there!
Runnng Girl, you and my daughter are true Texans, she keeps hers at 76-78, but her master bedroom is downstairs. I was upstairs and had a huge fan AND the ceiling fan.
janet said...
I didn't even notice the typo! I just read it as "showering". However, it seems you must have done a bit of "showing" because you were out watering your weeds before you got dressed. I did wonder about that, but - heah - I do it too. (Oh. Maybe your weeds are in the house?)
72! Are you kidding? I keep it at 68. Colder if possible. Sometimes Gary complains at night. I like to be cool at all times : )
I am cooler because I know you!
OH, LAWD! I just recently posted about how yucky the heat is and our electric bill. I'm down here in all the humidity in south Texas on the gulf coast and it's like having a hot, wet towel wrapped around your face when you walk outside. Yuck. We are keeping all the ceiling fans on all the time and the thermostat at 74.
I'm not green with my thermostat either. It usually hovers around 70. Maybe cooler at night - I like it cold when I sleep! Sorry to all you, greenies! I recycle - Does that make up?
See you should have stayed here it has been in the 60s and 70s all of June. It is staring to heat up I think it was 78 yesterday.
Carol Z.
Hot! I have a programmable thermostat, it's 76 during the day. When I go to bed it's 69 and it kicks down to 67 at 3 am...I can't sleep when I'm hot. I get hot flashes or something, like clockwork! Sleep is important!!
To all the "cool at night" people, I'm with you! I love waking up with cold rosey cheeks.
Carol Z, you don't have to rub it in. I never thought I'd miss June gloom. Save me a seat for Super Bowl.
LOL I knew what you meant, Grandma J. I just couldn't resist teasing you. It is the kind of typo that is a funny accident.
Love that pic of PJB! It's hot and HUMID here! Not quiet 100 yet! We keep it 74ish. No need in suffering I say. I listen to NPR too!
Yikes that's hot. I am headed to Tucson in a couple of weeks...I hope not, but, I might break that temp reading. At least no humidity.
That's hot!
I haven't turned the AC on in over a week except at night. Hard Working Man works outside and needs to sleep in the cool, but then the AC is only set at 80 degrees.
Living on the water helps to keep it cool around here. That will likely change though next week.
I love hot days...but once it hits 101, that's too much and I also hide out inside. I fight with my mother in law right now over the thermastat...she keeps it at 78, I keep it at 73 or 74...Once the papers are signed and the house is hubby and I's, it will stay at 73...I like the cool too, and if I get 'cold' I just go and play with my german shepherd puppy and try to pull a few weeds.
I already commented on this, but I showed it to Gary and he can not believe how hot it is. I showed him your picture and guess what he said? He said you don't look like a grandma at all. He said you look very young. : ). He has a thing for older women. I always think you look perfectly delightful and young too!
Oh, and Gary would also like to vote for his favorite summer treat, but it won't let him since I already voted. Whoops! : )
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