Wecome to A to Z Monday
Can anyone guess what Grandma J's W Word is? Come on....I know What you're thinking, so go ahead and say it.
Well, Without getting downright graphic, and of course by graphic, Grandma J means no pictures, and no slamming the person responsible for the Whole mess.
With that being said, and of course With the Whole mess staring you in the face, Grandma J's W word is:
......as in WTF
Now I'm off to get an MRI, which doesn't start with W. Hopefully the problem will be rectified, and Grandma J won't have to do a whole rant involving others.
Yeah, What's going on here?
cheese Whiz!
Have a happy Monday.
My funky mood this weekend must have crossed over into your blog. Hope today is better.
Good luck with the MRI, Grandma J.
And I hope the WTF problem is resolved for you soon.
i didn't notice anything.... be kind to the doctors... and please come back a o.k.!!!!
Good luck w/ your MRI. I saw that Dawn also had this problem this week...not pretty.
Something happened to my blog border over the week end too. I cant seem to get it back so I will just be plain pink for a while til I come up with something?? Hope the MRI goes alright!
Wobbly knees?
Whacked elbow?
Warped toes?
What's up?
WHAT happened? I didn't notice anything.
Guess WHAT?
WE found Phillip Johnny Bob because WE left WORK early today for a doctor's appointment. The post office lady WAS all confused because of(a) the street address WHICH WE don't use, and (b) the lack of true name vs. blog name on the label.
WITH some sleuthing they figured it out, and I am excited to report that PJB is resting comfortably.
WE WILL send pictures as soon as WE can.
WTF??? I thought it was me;) Hope your MRI comes out okay....
Hope you're WELL!
Are you really having an MRI? Are you ok? Now I am freaking out worried. I would call you, but I don't know your number....
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