With a whole lot to say........
Grandma J has been busy with a plethora of things on her plate. Things to do with lemons, and laptops, which can be considered one and the same.
She wants to take the time to share a couple of birthdays with you via one of the computers available at the Spa. It doesn't matter that there are people pacing, waiting to use the same computer that Grandma J is using. It doesn't matter that they think updating a blog is trivial because we all know that they are full of prunes! Does anyone else say that anymore.....FULL OF PRUNES?
Grandma J's youngest daughter turned 40 yesterday! Sweet Kelly is still a baby in her mom's eyes. She lives in Denver and is celebrating with her boys husband and two boys.
It's a bittersweet day when you realize all four of your children are over forty, with a couple of them chomping at the bit to join AARP. Not that Grandma J ever joined.
The other birthday is Ry Ry....well that's what Grandma J calls him. He's one of her CA grandsons, and this is one of his cool pictures he took of himself.
This is Ry Ry's new kitty named Tiger! Happy Birthday, Ry Ry! Tiger is cute and the best gift ever.
xoxo Grandma J
Happy Birthday to everyone .. and you need to have a birthday so they can get you a new flattop (as CBW's Daddy says)
Happy happy birthday to your baby! Your grandson us so handsome. The kitty is the cutest thing ever!
Happy Birthdays all sround...and isn't it funny how everyone gets older except you? Same around my house.
Happy Wednesday from NYC!
Happy birthday to your daughter and grandson. Sweet looking little kitten. :)
Our very spoiled rotten cat has one of those scratching thingies that kitty has. Of course, it doesn't keep her from scratching me any time she wants. And running away as fast as possible, knowing I'll never get up in time to see where she's gone.
Lots of Happy Birthdays to all! My son will be 40 next year, and my daughter would be 46 this October. Time really flies, Grandma J...a good thing and kind of a sad thing, too.
All of your kids and grandkids are supermodels. Did you plan it that way or did you just give-up the ugly ones?
Happy Birthday to all.
Happy Birthday to everyone.
(And I feel your pain on the flaptop. Mine is just about dead. Not a happy camper.)
Happy Birthday to all! I do use full of prunes. :)
I'm feelin ya Grandma J. Saying people are full of prunes is much nicer than saying they are full of s..t. Either way you are noticing their state of constipation which does make people cranky and irritable. Castor oil for all!!!
You are hilarious. Your kids are beautiful.
I usually say people are full of sh*t. But that is before they eat the prunes.
You have a beautiful family...I would have given Ry Ry all three of my orange cats had I known....
oh, and get a mac. forizzle.
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