Friday, June 6, 2008

Like a trip to the ER, FRIDAY MATINEE HAS BEEN TEMPORARILY DELAYED UNTIL MONDAY... or whenever Grandma J can eat popcorn on her own without being hand-fed.

In the meantime, check back later for a surprise post about the Disney Princesses. Nothing earth shattering, because to expect Grandma J to risk life and limp peck out anything lavish with just her left pinkie would definitely be considered cruel and unusual punishment. However, you can expect it to be full of pomp and circumstances with just a tad of fluff.


heartshapedhedges said...

Oh no! What happened?

You arent answering your phone.....

The Traveling Yogi said...

Ummmmm.... what happened? You can't leave us hanging like that, even if it takes you HOURS to type. Hope you are ok.

Anonymous said...

Yeah we are definitely going to need more information than THAT!

Did JJ do it to you?

Karen said...

Please tell me its nothing too serious! Although anything that keeps you from eating popcorn independently can't be too pleasant.