then buy Grandma J a new camera
Last night I went to observe my Texas granddaughter's dance lesson.
She's the one who just graduated from middle school, and should be a model.
opposed to the one who just graduated from pre-K. and is a self-made fashion and accessories model.
This was not a routine I was observing, but rather a whole plethora of moves.You know what I'm talking about...popping,
We ended up at Jason's Deli, with stuffed baked potatoes and strawberry shortcake to go.
***WARNING...STOP HERE.... if you don't want to see an almost nude
* Big Brother fans....I have a news flash about Jessie..that probably isn't really news to the super sluethes amongst you. Anyway, it seems our Mr. "I can't get enough of loving myself" has been posing nude for quite some time. I don't want to get my little blog rating dropped in the toilet by posting that stuff, but here is a shot I cleaned up with my upscale version of SHARPIE.

You SO need a new camera! WAL-MART!!!
I am disturbed by that guy's picture. I had to scroll past it fast. We he looking for an apple sticker?
Okay, I would have been flat on the floor doing that dip, no balance what-so-ever.
Oh yea I looked and tried even harder to look around the smiley face!!
BWAAA! Cortney! It's a different Jason! Tell me about the camera. It was either a laptop or camera. I'm hoping to get a new one before my cruise. Otherwise, I'm stealing Pumpkins.
Oh I can so do those dance moves.
Your grandaughters are so gorgeous! Her class looks fun. She really could be a model! The Pre K graduate is pretty adorable herself!
I heard about Jessies nude photos. He's in some gay magazines too. I can't figure out if he likes men or women. Make up your mind Jessie!
Your granddaughters are cute. and the goofs? lol
...Dang that Sharpie! lol... :oD And what adorable kids! And I wholeheartedly agree, she so should be modeling! She's beautiful! And even the little one, she's a cutie and you can tell she's got spunk! :o)
...Any chance we'll get to see Grandma J doin' any of these dance moves? ;o)
...Blessings... :o)
Not only did I look, there was fire coming from my mouse I was scrolling so fast to see who was nude. I don't get out much.
You certainly are up to speed on the dance lingo....I thought popping, locking and dropping was something you did in a fire, but once again I don't get out much.
Beautiful grandbabies...I just wish I could do some of those moves..I couldn't even do them in Jr High and Jesse...!!!!
Keep a close eye on those granddaughters: they're beautiful!
As for the sharpie editing: Don't do anymore on my account. I won't think any less of you! Bring on the waxed men.
Gramma J, you need to come over. I posted awards yesterday.
Grandma J...you are so wickety wack!!!
And ewwww...that's the wrong Jason!!!! (No offense, pal, I just don't need to see your apple nuggets!!!)
Am I strange that I don't find Jesse that attractive? I thought he was going to burst a vessle last night yelling at Keesha.. OMG,.. Yes..Your granddaughter SHOULD be a model cause she is drop dead gorgeous..and that little one has quite the attitude..huh?
I KNOW that's not Jason...just that someone thought it was totally cracked me up!!!!
Ahhh, man! Why did you have to go and put that big smilie face there?
And as for JLo's comments to this post, I am deeply offended.
...and one just graduated from Kindegarten
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