The airlines cooperated, and I got to Seattle without a hitch.
Met up with my friends twenty minutes later......Here they come, John, Jan and Patty......the others are stragglers.

All seven of us with baggage climb into an SUV that seats eight, or five with luggage...but who's counting? Lynne drives us from Seattle to Vancouver....a nice long ride We Stop for lunch in La Conner....which is in probably in Canada...or else it's in Washington State. Either way, it's on the way.

Once we arrive in Vancouver....we check into the Comfort Inn right downtown in the ritzy
Because we're really

We arrive at the port, turn in the SUV, then stand in the parking structure hoping someone helps us...not happening.

Once on board we head to the all you can eat buffet for lunch..then afterwards up to the promenade deck to say good-bye to Vancouver....

Foggy evening.... with a rainbow.
We headed for the Welcome show Friday night...It was nice, really just an introduction to upcoming entertainment.

Today is Monday...because nothing happened on Sunday except for more buffets and a musical tribute to Elton John, Barry Manlow, and some other Liberace.

I got up at five a.m. to take pictures of the ship pulling into port here in Ketchikan.....I do that for my readers. This is a small town of approx 7,700 people according to the city bus driver. The tour buses are 15 dollars, the city bus is 50 cents.

I'm diggin the hell out of the virtual cruise..
Question: Are you recording Big Brother?
How many days on the ship from Vancover to Alaska??
EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.I.TURN.AROUND you are with another man!! On your bed in jammies, on your lap at the show, at the pool, at the electronics store, maybe Ill be you a "purity" ring for your belated-birthday gift.
Have fun, but, keep your hands (and other body parts) to yourself!!
a purity ring is a good idea to me!!!! this woman is blatantly cheating on me!! i'm hurt and saddened by her actions.
Grandma J,
So glad you are having such a good time with all the men! Have you run into Kristie yet!
Postcard Cindy
Grandma J,
So glad you are having such a good time with all the men! Have you run into Kristie yet!
Postcard Cindy
wow,a man on your bed (and you say you guys took the couches?) and then the cruise director. Poor Paul....Nick....the guys @ the pool back home. I need your life.
Can't wait to see the good looking guys once you dock someplace.
Its the Love Boat! Exciting and New...I am going to sing this song all night.
hey girls and boys! we left vancouver @ 4pm saturday and arrived in Ketchikan Monday morning around 6:30 a.m. haven't seen kristie. I'm not taping BB so let me know what's happening. someone said memphis is HOH. I hope it wasn't a secret. I heart you Nick but girls will be girls. next stop Juneau.
Grandma J. I really need to know who this John guy is. I am sure I ought to know, but I confess I do not.
Can we all say this together now: IS HE SINGLE? DOES HE MODEL FOR CALVIN KLEIN? He is very photogenic.
You go ahead with the BFF GAvin, and toss John my way. I'm only several thousand miles away, but I'll make sure he has a soft landing.
ENJOY YOURSELF and keep us posted. It looks like great fun. Remember, I need details about the midnight buffet and any of those shirtless, exotic crew members who barely speak English but don't need to because they know the international language of love....
oops Dan is HOH. Memphis has POV! right? btw I can't log on to my own blog using my sign-in.
ok, we are pulling out to sea. that's probably not the right was of saying it but oh well. im doing these comments from my phone so I have to hurry while I still have connection. CBW, John is an ex co-worker. he.s the only guy in our group. he's 66 yrs old and very wealthy. some of it earned most inherited but he's cheap
I likey like your jammies
Enjoy your trip, my cousin just came
back from Alaska, and she's already
planning to go again next year it
was so fabulous! Enjoy!
Wow it looks like you are having a great time. I should have said yes when you asked me to go :( But I didn't think i could leave my guys. But, after seeing your pic. now I'am so bummed.
Oh well we are going to Disney World in Dec. and i couldn't have done both.
Have a great time see you soon.
Carol Z.
OHHHHH! I was going to say ENJOY!! Bu it looks like you already are having a BLAST!!
I LOVE everything about this post : )! I love all of your happy friends! I love your new BFF
(Hott-ie : )! I love how happy you look. I love the beautiful barely there rainbow! Most of all, I LOVE your pyjamas! Could they be any cuter? You are the best! Absolutely do not spend fifty cents a minute to blog. That is insane : )!
Forget the purity ring, get that woman a chastity belt! She's out of control. Her and Paul look a little suspect!
Looks like so much fun. I have been watching the news for an uproar on a cruise ship, so far you are being good.
Dear John Who is Handsome and Wealthy,
Have you ever visited the East Coast? Would you like to?
Hugs and Kisses,
Chesapeake Bay Woman
I was feeling anxiety looking at the open sea pictures.
Looks as though you are having a wonderful time. I would love to abandon these people and school right now and be there.
Hahaha, the Love Boat is in my head.
Looks like you are having a great time. Sure do hope you run into Kristie somewhere. She's looking for you. Maybe you should have the ship page her. I can see you doing that! Thanks for taking the time out of your vacation to give us readers an update.
I'll wire you a hundred bucks to blog in that internet cafe on the ship if you promise to put more pictures of John up. Lots of pictures.
What a great trip! I love Seattle...especially the goth rave party district! Have fun...but don't stay up too late partying with all the grunge boys!
Did I actually write Seattle...what the hell am I smoking!!! Oh well...have a wonderful trip and keep us posted with more great pics!
Keesha is out, thanks to Memphis. Dan won HOH again, Jerry fell of his plane first and Memphis next. Dan met Michelle on his luxury trip. He has Keesha convinced her eviction is all Memphis's idea. One smart player, still to win you have to get the votes. Jerry vs Memphis next, should be interesting. Game ends a week from tonight, hope you are near a TV then!
Postcard Cindy
ACK! Postcard Cindy...did you just give it all away????
Grandma J....get some rest on that boat, my kids are all obsessed about the things they are doing when you come to visit.
BTW, might be a nice treat if you take Beauty up to that American Girl store....special memories will be made, Im sure! (besides, probably wont be men there, so I dont have to worry about you modeling any risky behavior.)
Congratulations on the win.
Carol Z.
I am so glad you are having fun. Kaishon and I pray for you every night! I think he thinks you are his Real Grandma now because we talk about you so often : )! Much love!
OK. How about $200 bucks for more John pictures.
I go away for a week and miss everything!!! You guys are SO cute!! Can't wait for the next set of pictures :)
What would it cost to ship me some salmon??
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