Yesterday I showed up at school to have lunch with Pooper and Beauty. I stopped at McDonald's to get Happy Meals...Nuggets for Beauty and Cheeseburger for Pooper, both getting fries and Sprite instead of the usual milk and apple slices.

After hugs and kisses, mixed in with squeals, we ate lunch and took pictures.

And Christine with her BFF since her first year in pre-school.

Showing off with hula hoops

Pooper and his teacher

After lunch Beauty and I headed up the road to get our pedicures at the same salon we used to go to. Sadly all the girls we knew had moved on to other salons....

This is the finished product....even though Beauty really wanted the dark, ultra dark purple. I told her the flowers wouldn't show up..and picked a pretty pink.
Beauty wanted new flip flops, so we stopped at Payless. She tried on everything there. They had to make the "flip flop" noise. They had to slap her heels when she walked. She settled on a cute pair, and we got some for Little One too.

Next stop was IHOP, another favorite blast from the past. Beauty couldn't wait to see Lon. Lon was her favorite waiter. Lon was an older man with white hair, a big smile, and whiskers that hurt a little bit when he hugged Beauty. Lon always made sure the kids had extra whipped cream on their cocoa, he always brought refills, he was way beyond IHOP and would have done well in any upscale restaurant. When we asked about Lon we were told he was in rehab recovering from a stroke. We said a prayer for Lon and his complete healing.

Come evening, the girls showed off their flip flops for everyone.

Then they danced.
Very cute, Grandma J. When are you going to Swirlz?
Is that a toe ring tan line on your left foot?? You are the COOLEST! And the kids are pretty cute too...
My kids loved it when Grandma brought them Mickey D’s too. Such a big deal for kids, they are the envy of the whole school most of which are eating fish sticks that day.
Love the pedicures. Such a GIRL she is…and the flip flop noise….just adorable.
Can’t wait to hear how long the permanent marker legs last. YIKES.
The kids are yummy cute.
Grandma Deluxe,
We miss our California Cousins!
Their Colorado Cousins
So cute! My kids would love to have McD's. hand delivered to school! You are a great Grandma!
OMG grandmom...I love to decorate my legs with permanent markers too!!!!!
Yes, the children danced.
And what did Grandma J. and Lon do?
Lon is one of those names like Stone or Forest that you hear on soap operas, back when I watched TV. Therefore I think a picture is really a must. Absent the picture, let's here more about the interaction with Lon.
Living Vicariously Through Grandma J.
You're a fun grandma! I can't wait to be the same...my kids did not have that kind of a grandmother...which is way too sad.
I love it! LOVE IT! This post just made my whole day! I love the new flip flops. And those grandbabies...well, could they be any cuter? I am so glad you can do all these special things. You make my heart happy!
I will pray for the waiter tonight. So sad. Sorry I forgot to say that a second ago!
Pooper is VERY handsome.. but OMG those girls.. SO sweet, so beautiful!!
Glad you are having such a great vacation! I know some of my best memories were with my grandma.
What a fun day you guys had! And, I love when flip flops make that sound.
Thank you for praying for Kaish and school. It is so hard for him! It means so much to me to know you will be thinking of him. I can't sleep tonight because I am so worried. I know I need to give it over to God...sometimes it is so hard. Also, that work situation is causing stress again. I am tired of crying tonight.... SO glad you are having fun! Everytime I see the sunshine I think of you in Sunny California! Did I tell you how adorable those grandchildren are? Oh. My. Gosh!
How fun! I need a pedi and hot chocolate right about now!
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