IT'S WHATS FOR DINNER.... least it was supposed to be dinner
I had a craving for good old homemade pasta sauce with loads of seasoned ground meat for body. Then after browning a couple of packages of sweet Italian sausages, I put them in the sauce and let it cook for several hours in my slow cooker.
I had to pick up my granddaughter and her neighbor friend from school at four this afternoon. I was getting ready to leave early so I could run by their house to pick up JJ. You all know how much he loves to hang out the window at the High School, and it's such an easy loop to swing by and get him. I looked at the slow cooker and even though the aroma was wonderful, I had lost my craving. Now normally that wouldn't be a problem because I could eat Italian or Mexican food every day forever.
But....I made a huge amount, and I knew my daughter would love to come home to dinner already made. So, I unplug the slow cooker, and carry it out to my car....placing in the back seat on the floor.
I drove about 6 of the 8 miles to pick up JJ and a jerk cut right in front of me...and I swerved....and I heard a glass lid fly across the back of the car, hitting the door on the passenger side. I pulled into a driveway and got out to put the lid back on. When I opened the door, this is what I saw..............

I didn't pick up JJ....that would have been disastrous. I mean the car smelled like a restaurant. I picked up the girls, took them home and watched them fight over the only sausage that stayed in the slow cooker. I have no idea what they had for dinner. I had a grilled cheese sandwich, and it was good.

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That would just infuriate me for so many reasons. I'm so sorry. What a bummer. And I hope the stain and the smell gets out of your car easily.
I SO saw that coming! I'm very glad that you took pictures. IF we can't blog and laugh about or trauma, life is dull!
That was a great thought! Did you get the carpet cleaned?
Here is an idea for you guys that have kids (of any age that don't live at home)...last year for Christmas, I needed nothing. I have knickknacks, soap, lotion, etc. My mom gave me (husband & me) about $300 worth of groceries. Mostly pantry items. We loved it, all 4 of us. Neat stuff I wouldn't have bought normally. I am going to do this for my kids later.
Ah man, that looks nasty.
Oxy clean my dear, it will get out the stains
Oh, Grandma J., I am so sorry to read and see that. Even worse, I cannot imagine trying to get that out of your car. For what it's worth, it looked delicious.
Maybe Phil could help with the cleanup. I'll bet bears like to eat tomato sauce.
Oh my gosh....the mess. How did you get it cleaned up? I can't imagine a worse mess to clean up. You may have to get professionals involved in this. Like the CSI guys.
No good deed goes unpunished. I guess it is the thought that counts.
Well that just sucks!!! What a mess. Hope you got it cleaned up.
Ohhhhhhhhh Nooooooooooooo!!! I am glad your toasted cheese sandwhich was good. Every time I have ever put a crock pot in my car something like that has happened. Every. Single. Time! Did you get to Home Depot for that folex stuff yet? That would work well too! I hope you are having a great day despite this tragic situation...
Kaish got in trouble at school yesterday. : (
After a extra long day of work and a championship football game, Go Grizzlies, we had our favorite $ .98 frozen pizza!!!!
Up rope? I think that is a sign that Quince is going to be climbing up and out of rehab : )!
Hope your day is fantastic and spill free. Wink!
Oh that sucks! I can imagine the dread that must have run through you when you heard that. Hopefully you can grab a ShamWOW and clean it up LOL ;p
I can't even believe those pictures. It's like something out of a horror movie. OH, THE MESS! Thank goodness your craving had passed.....
BTW - It was so cool to learn that your hubby was a firefighter. I'm sure he looked just like the guys in the photo:) Lucky girl!
Oh, I had that happen on the way to a baby shower I was hosting once (at someone else's house)! It was something with BBQ sauce, and I swear I found little dots of it for YEARS AFTER all over my car. I was sooooooo mad!!!
I found they have crockpots now with locking lids, for that very reason. You know you're old when you dream of receiving such a thing for Christmas.
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