Meet A-RONBecause that's what we call him, and that's what his teammates call him, because that's his name.
When your first name starts with not one, but two A's, and your last name starts with RON......there is no doubt what your first love will be. Even though you pitch, you are an awesome third baseman.
A-Ron is a power hitter scoring runs, the name and reputation stands. And even though he plays football and basketball.....he continues with baseball practically year round.
Of course his mom is his biggest fan who travels with the team when they go to weekend tournaments.
She helps with the scoreboard, even if it interferes with her texting.
I'm sure we'll be hearing his name in a few years!!
I so look forward to the day when my grandson is involved in sports and all of our Saturdays are full!
Enjoy the outings and go A-Ron!
I hate it when my scoreboarding interferes with my texting!
Can I live vicariously through you and your daughter? I've tried and tried to get my kids to play base/softball to no avail. I LOVE watching it.
And what's worse than something interfering with texting is when a school event called THE SPRING MUSIC PROGRAM interferes with my hours upon hours of evening blogging. The nerve.
Nothing should be allowed to interfere with a mother's texting. Nothing.
I absolutely LOVE baseball when it is pre-steroids :)
A Ron. Why didn't my Mom think of a cool name for me??
Love the pictures....sports are a fantastic outlet for our kiddos. Keeps them out of trouble...even the parents stay busy.
you will never see me keeping score though...I have too much a.d.d going on. I can't tell you what the final score was last night either. Texting and scorekeeper...someone is working with both sides of their brain!!!
What a great post and a super proud grandma you are!! You have so many reasons to cheer.
You are #1 cheerleader GJ!
And Aaron is a superstar already!
So glad you still mention me from time to time on here!! I might now have a blog, but I am thinking about twittering!! My new puppy is fabulous. I should have named her grandma j!!! Her real name is Liza Minnelli!!!!! You really should plan a trip to Charleston I can be your official tourguide!
Yay A! Way to go. Way to win! He has good form! I don't really know what that means but it sounded good so I thought I would say it.
Great photos. You can be very proud.
That's great! He is quite the athlete.
Thanks for pointing out that his first name ends in Ron, and his last name starts with, Ron-Ron....never realized that.
He is a surprise.
His mom needs to stock up on the sun-in, she's almost as dark as me!
Go A-Ron! Can't wait to see him play in the majors one day!
Awesome! A day late and a dollar short though, I was gone all yesterady & am still catching up. Need to know that kids I don't know are still up to GOOD! Is JJ okay today? :)
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