Once upon a time, Grandma J had plans for a full day of
So it breaks my heart in two when my day's schedule is so jammed packed that I have to tell special friend that I only have time to visit if they come for early morning breakfast.
OK, so it wasn't really breakfast.....more like coffee, a tad bit of juice and the morning paper.
OK, no juice.
I don't know about you, but it amazes me when some people are so chipper before the sun comes up....all laughing and joking. What's up with that?
And, it takes a lot of gall to bring some little smart ass twerp a juvenile hedge fund manager along. I mean....no, I don't want to convert my under mattress assets to a non-equity, non-interest bearing account.

You are a better woman than I.
Hope you have a great day in Dallas.
Please save me a copy of that paper, I can't believe we made the headlines and it hasn't even occurred yet. And just look at the man making eyes at Grandma J, who's looking all coy.
Grandma J has all the fun.
Sorry your breakfast didn't go so well but I say MAKE UP FOR IT AT LUNCH IN DALLAS! Have a blast and take lotsa pictures for us (I'm sure PJB will be making this trip as well, right).
Oh, I am not a morning person either...couldn't you just NOT open the compound gate???
Have fun in the Big D!!!
Ugh. Are you bring little bear?
Have a fun day in Dallas!
BTW~just so you know I was born in Texas.
Oh, how I wish I was going to Blog Fest to meet all of you wonderful peeps....
and I hope you didn't pay for the coffee!
Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and make time for old friends.
I wonder what those full page ads cost in Texas.
I feel and look terrible in the morning! My brain literally melts at the thought of having to get out of bed. Thank goodness for coffee!
I like your red earrings. Are they new??
Hate to tell you this, but I tend to be a morning person. I'm MUCH more productive in the morning, and I don't like to have to do a bunch of stuff when I get home from work!
I guess you will be bunking as far away from me as possible at Blog Fest, huh?
well desptie your complaints your table settings sure look the part of a planned party!!... p.s. that was well done, brought quite the smile to my face grandma j!
I am not a morning person either - ugh actually I can't stand early mornings. Although the older I get, the easier mornings become- Oh Lord, I am becoming my mother ;)
Have a good day in Dallas :)
No worries about me being chipper in the am. Unless it is really just the night ending!!
I hate the chippers in the a.m. Who the hell do they think they are anyway?
Next time, don't answer the compound door. Just say from the other side....Nobody's home!
I don't smile until after I ride my bike to work...until then, don't ask any favors :)
Have fun in Dallas!!
I am chipper in the morning. Please love me anyway : ) Okie dokie? I hope you got some exciting deals in Dallas. Were you looking for anything in particular?
Im confused, did you meet someone who answered a dating ad in the paper??
Knock Knock! It's your neighbor checking in on you. Hurry up and answer the door before your other neighbor comes out and yells at me.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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