I Love Wednesdays
Wednesday is my favorite day to shop. I'm happy as a lark as I make my way across town, I hum happy hum stuff as I drive. The reason is because I'm a senior citizen and I love a discount. I know, you're shocked by that revelation. I don't go around asking for a senior discount like a few of my friends, because it's not a big deal at Golden Corral or Chili's.
But, when I go to Kohls....did I tell you I love Kohls? I love Kohls more on Wednesday than I do on Tuesday. So, back to what I started to say...when I go to Kohls I get extremely excited because Kohls has a 15% senior discount on Wednesdays....on top of any other discount or clearance price. Everything in the store is mine for an additional 15% off.
But my elation doesn't end there.....I head on down the road to HEB. Of course you remember how much I love this grocery chain. Remember the HEB stands for her enormous butt Howard E. Butt, the founder's youngest son.
I buy these flowers for $4 a bunch....and I get a bunch of greens for another $4. Nothing cheers me up like fresh flowers. On my way home I picked up my pal......
I don't like it when Phillip Johnny Bob dresses like a thug. Geesh!
Sporty Zebra shades, Grandma!
BTW, I opened up the kids' easter envelopes, to check for contraband (after seeing how you let JJ prance around the furniture all wet, I realized you had not regard for house rules.)...so, checking to make sure you didnt send anything "off limits"...I noticed you wrote Pooper a note, "Dont let your mom have your money"...in his Easter card. Um, FYI, we dont take his money, however, we do set very strict parameters re: how it is spent (like on a pedicure for Mommy, JK).
Yes, the first thing I was going to talk about was those sunglasses. Does Grandma J. have a pair for every outfit? Shes' stylin' and profilin'.
We have Kohls here (here = 45 miles away) and it's one of my favorites on the few days per year I have to shop.
Now, about Phillip Johnny Bob.
Why do you think he's acting out? Have you been paying enough attention to him? Why don' tyou send him on a vacation to Virginia and let him scout out the site of the Blog Fest and help me with some of the planning. (Where planning = thinking about things.) Maybe a trip East would do him good.
I'd even take pictures.
i thought guys didn't like to shop? j bear must be an exception? or was he hitchhiking?.... your post reminds me of an idea my wife karen had. she suggested they come up with a national old people's day! but its suggestion was because she didn't want them driving, but only on this day!!.. he he!!... you get on her about that!
Hey, Grandma J, is that Pat Jenkins saying you are old? Hummmmm?
I want you to know that my twin sis and I even went shopping yesterday. Of course, to do any shopping that really counts, we had to go 90 miles south of us. Our little town has the 'smallest, super Wal-Mart' built. Of course, we are thankful for our Wal-mart and our Dillons!
OMG I'm being lynched here by my own husband. By no means am I referring to every seasoned citizen (and Grandma J, I have no idea how old you are but trust me, you are not my idea of a seasoned citizen), only the ones who drive 10 miles an hour down the road and then while shopping, stop right dead smack in the middle of the aisle while trying to remember what it is they are actually shopping for. I'm just suggesting that one day be specifically given to our seasoned citizens so that they can browse all they want for as long as they want and I would be more than glad to avoid that day (like the plague) so as not to interfere with their shopping experiences.
BTW I think it's great PJB is allowed to express himself.
Grandma J, it appears you are being scolded by the daughter unit. I think that dog needs to be bathed again. Pronto. Oh, and I love your loot.
I love the deals at Khols too! There is one not far from here. Can you believe it?? Did you get those shades on sale. I need a pair of those!
Looking good Grandma J and PJB too!
I suppose this is the prize for making it to the senior status?
I will tredge along then.....just waiting for my discount. 15% is a good deal.
I love those flowers...so pretty and your sunglasses? MEOW!!!!!
Busy girl! I love a good bargain!
I'm applying for my AARP card today!!!!
Happy shopping!
Oh I love a bargain...and an extra off on sale items?! Go Girl!!
PJB loks awesome in disguise! But not old enough to get the senior discount...
I want to go shopping with you!!!
I'm with Spit - I'm going shopping with you!!
You look like a rock star in your glasses. Oh yes you do!
Nothing excites me like a discount. Absolutely nothing. Oh my goodness!
I am THRILLED about your Kohl's discount. They have some good deals on clearance. I love it there.
LOVE it like crazy!
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