My Greener Side
Starting today, Grandma J is focusing on her countdown to moving calendar. It's all about
One luxury item will be a new flat panel TV because Huey, the maintenance guy at the new and improved compound, which is more like a spa, has offered to mount stuff and install stuff for Grandma J. And yes, I know that last sentence could have easily been three paragraphs.
That's why the timing is right for a new wall mounted TV, and decorator rods and pictures to be hung. Huey could easily become Grandma J's best friend. But what I really want to talk about is being green.
Grandma J went to Walmart yesterday to get some boxes so she could start packing. While she was making her way through the

Green totes for only $4.50. The free cardboard boxes were tempting, but Grandma J bit the bullet and bought these totes to save a tree or two. There is an overlap of six days for moving stuff, so the same two totes can be used over and over....along with four older totes that Grandma J already has.
Oh yes, and I know what you are thinking! That's right, you saw that bottled water. Well, here's the story on the water. Grandma J hates water......really hates water. She hates bottled water. The thing is, she has to drink a ton of it a day, and Aqua Fina is the only stuff she can drink. A Brita filtered carafe of tap water is used for coffee and cooking. But here is the good news. Lookie.....

Aquafina is getting GREENer! Yeah for Aquafina.
And check this out! Here is a very green thing, Disney and The Nature Conservancy has vowed to plant 2.7 million trees in the rain forests bordering the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil. The effort is a promotion on Disney’s part, as well as an act of environmentalism.
Disney is planting one tree for each movie-goer who buys a ticket to “Earth,” Disney’s sweeping nature documentary that follows families of wild animals through their struggles.
I plan on seeing this movie, how about you?

We're an AquaFina household as well. YAY for Green!!!
BTW - LOVE the totes! Packing? Not so much;)
This is very, very exciting. Just think of all the blog posts related to the new compound and Huey. I think Huey is going to be making many appearances on this blog.
Oh, and perhaps Blog Fest '10 could be at your new spa?
Good job on the going green.
Little T will be seeing the "Earth" movie I am sure. His Aunt takes him to the movies all the time. We have the best water at our house so we dont have to buy it. You go Green Girl. You make the recycling queen proud!
we really aren't movie goers. except for the new May releases...we live for the Summer movie season. i will live vicariously through Grama J!
I have not heard of that movie. I hope it doesn't show animals eating other animals or I would cry. :-(
Can't wait to see the new movie!!!
Love that you are thinking about the green possiblities and working them into your life as well.
I will let you drink the bottled water as long as you recycle them. :) Do they have a recycling system set up at the new compound???
If they do, I will come and visit. The totes is a great idea, you can use them for long term storage when you are done.
SO excited about your new place and the new tv!!!
isn't the greedy act of acquiring large objects (flat panel t.v.) supposed to be bad for the enviroment? i guess you buying green water is your carbon offset... he he!!... i read this morning that texas is cancelling all the spring athletic seasons thanks to the swine flu... i thought of your grandaughter's track and how she will miss some events. the story said they had to push back the state meet to three days? tough on the kids of all sports.. i hope everyone stays healthy!
I'm a recycler, but I do drink bottled water.
I probably won't see the movie, but I will go to Disneyland instead.
You kill me with your green side. I like that AquaFina is making positive changes, and that you are becoming more aware. But didn't you say your new vehicle is a V6? And that TV?
On the brighter side, I see a nice big pack of Beggin' Strips for "someone".
OK I'm all for the green thing, but did you know Busch Gardens took it to far. They replaced all the plastic straws with ............PAPER!!!
It taste like POO POO!!!!
Honestly I don't know the marketing genius behind this........but they lost big revenues from my family. really I might buy a drink NON-alcohol about every other time we go there.
OK not every other time know me to well to think I don't drink the free beer every time!!!!
And they go and put paper straws!!!!
Paper + Liquid = mussy tasting crap!!!!
You have got to be so excited about moving from the compound. When is your actual moving date? How bout I send Pat out to help ya??
happy birthday, Rita!
going green can't happen over night..I find it very hard to do some of the things they suggest like no water bottles. Glad to see some helpful 'baby step' alternatives.
I'm very thankful for tasty tap water. You can make only so many necklaces out of those water bottles before you start to look tacky, you know?
BHE, Your a girl with good taste.
CBW, I'm sure Huey will give me oodles to blog about and of course Blogfest '10 sounds fine right here even if my heart was counting on Bora Bora!
Noe Noe, Deb and Elm, I'll let you know how the movie is...if I see any animals eating their neighbors though, I'm outta there.
Suz, Remember? I have trash pick up at my door. I promised Huey he can go through my trash and sort stuff. He loves recycling, and I hate to ruin his fun.
Pat, I need a big screen flat panel due to my failing eyesight. I'm wondering if it's covered under my health insurance?
Karen, I'm wise to you, you just want to get rid of Pat for a spell, don't you? You know what he'd do.....go to A-Ron's ball games.
Keeper, do like I do...bring your own straws. tacky yes, but better than paper. Free beer??
I'm trying Jen, really I am!
Foolery, But you can probably sell those necklaces at Blogfest! I can just see Gustaf wearing one.
I don't know if we will see the movie or not. Probably though!
I am getting SO excited about your move! Very, very excited. Every time I pass a Uhaul on my way to work in the mornings, or when I am coming home, I say a little prayer for you about your packing and such.
Packing is not my favorite thing. You are my favorite blogging person : ) Oh, yes, you are!
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