A to Z Monday

Is this not the cutest Rusty Rabbit you ever did see? Yeah, it's not a real Rabbit, but it is Rusty.....

No Rusty, I wasn't talking about your favorite Rabbit! As Ryan Seacrest would say, Rusty, you and your Rabbit are safe!

Here is a Rusty Rabbit trap. It doesn't look like it's used much, which means all the Rabbits are safe, and PETA can breathe easy.

How times flies! It's R week....and of course Rabbit would be a good R word don't you think? Grandma J thinks Rusty Rabbits are better....even though all Rabbits aren't Rusty.
I know, you're thinking to yourself, it's way too early for this play on word stuff. No matter, I found some very interesting Rusty Rabbits.
Come with me, and see what I mean.
I know, you're thinking to yourself, it's way too early for this play on word stuff. No matter, I found some very interesting Rusty Rabbits.
Come with me, and see what I mean.

Is this not the cutest Rusty Rabbit you ever did see? Yeah, it's not a real Rabbit, but it is Rusty.....

No Rusty, I wasn't talking about your favorite Rabbit! As Ryan Seacrest would say, Rusty, you and your Rabbit are safe!

Now here's an interesting Rusty Rabbit. Grandma J never owned a VW Rabbit, or any VW, or any Rabbit.

Now this is a real honest to goodness Rabbit.....getting a Rust bath. Or maybe not.

Now this is a real honest to goodness Rabbit.....getting a Rust bath. Or maybe not.

Here is a Rusty Rabbit trap. It doesn't look like it's used much, which means all the Rabbits are safe, and PETA can breathe easy.
Dear mother of all things rusty, tell me this Rusty Rabbit shouldn't be on the road. I would be leery of driving behind or next to it with those Rusty wheels.
Rusty! I told you, your Rabbit is safe!!
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If you try to rob Rusty of his rabbit, he will roar at you. :-)
Only Grandma J. would come up with Rusty Rabbit for the R word. The pictures are even better!
We used to own a diesel VW rabbit. Not sure if it was rusty but it was dirty most of the time. That thing got like 450 miles to the gallon or something.
I'll never look at a rusty rabbit the same again. (That is if I ever have occasion to see a rusty rabbit.)
Snort. I know another rabbit, but cannot speak of it or any rust on this family site;)
I always thought plugging in your car at night would be a very odd thing : ). I love your R this week. You are always brilliant! : )
Only you could come up with rusty rabbits and make it funny.:)
Happy R day!!
I'm all about Rust, it's my favorite decorating accessory!
I just read all the chronicles of Rita---what a Riot!
Happy Monday!
veRy cReative...I actually was hoping for anotheR Rita stoRy!
Happy Monday!
so which part of this made me crack up the MOST? that you actually found rusty rabbits documented in photos! happy r!
how about you grandma j tracking down all these "rusts" good job!!... the only rabbit i like is a dead one. especially the vermin who ate my watermelon plant!!!!... he he....
You R quite creative!
R'nt you a funny one! I always look forward to your post everyday. It's guaranteed to make me smile!!
Best collection of Rusty Rabbit pictures EVER!
This was so creative. Where did you come up with all the pictures to go along with youR stoRy? It definitely made me smile.
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