Yet Another Grandma J Tutorial
While most of the free world spends their Saturday afternoons playing golf, lollygagging in the malls, or downing a few brewski's while watching March Madness in May, Grandma J is busy saving every nickel and dime she can.
While most of the free world spends their Saturday afternoons playing golf, lollygagging in the malls, or downing a few brewski's while watching March Madness in May, Grandma J is busy saving every nickel and dime she can.

Here's how Grandma J
These are the free items she ordered this week. Just be forewarned that none of the "click here" notations will bring you to a's just a visual to show you that there is a "Get Free Sample Link"

Here's some free NicoDerm gum to help the addictedsmoker sitting next to you at bingo friend or relative in your life.

Here's some free NicoDerm gum to help the addicted

One sure fire way to know you are on the road to baldness, is to try every free sample you can get your hands on for your hair.

Only a Zyrtec user knows how expensive this stuff is.....I hope they send me two sample packs.....AHHHHH CHHOOOOO!

Shudddup.....a free sample is a free sample. Besides, if these are really as absorbent as they claim to be, I can use them to dry my car. You know, like a ShamWow substitute.
* Now, I think I've made a pretty good dent in my Christmas shopping,with free about you?
I visit that site ALL the time!
Glad you enjoyed the photos of "your visit".
i am always (no pun intended) in the market for free pads!! thanks grandma j!
You are one thrifty lady. Thanks so much for sharing all your sites and freebies with us. If it's free, it's for me.
I've never heard of that site. Guess I'll have to check it out. I love it that you can make me laugh, or at least smile, in the morning.
I love shopping in the comfort of my own home.
yes, these would make great stocking stuffers!
I love freebies! The Walmart ones are great but they use SO much packaging that I feel like I'm killing the environment when I get a huge box with one bite of oatmeal in it.
You should check out this blog:
She does a list of freebies every friday!
I had no idea. Thanks, Grandma J.
If you take too many of the zyrtec, they can put you out like a light. Then, in your dead sleep you will need the pull ups...if you drank too much tea (beer) then you had better add the always pad too, better absorbing.
Too funny!!!
My! Look how svelte Grandma J. is! Such a tiny waist.
My mother travels that same road to baldness, at least she thinks she does.
Thanks for all these tips. I had no idea they existed. Thanks for making me laugh, too.
Thanks for the tip!!
I LMAO throughout this entire post.
You are an extremely funny friend! :)
G.J., Thanks for the freebie tips. I'm also into coupons, etc. since I early retired. I try to save and contribute a little. I will go to this site, now. And how do you come up with your pictures? You're so talented with the computer, besides being a good writer and funny! I enjoy you very much. And no, I decided not to slide down the pole!
I never knew about all these freebies! Glad you posted this.
What no free cookies???
wow- who knew that you could get so much free stuff? i guess you did :) thanks for sharing! i'm going to run on over there!
Thanks for the tip! I was traumatized by my grandmothers who had see-thru hair. I'm convinced I will be bald by the age of 60.
I did not know about the Freebies. ShamWow rocks!
I want to find out what clean really means. Thanks Grandma J. for bringing this to my attention.
OMG. Your posts are like a game of I Spy.
I spy JJ in the picture in Svelt Grandma J's office.
Oh my gosh! This is so funny! What a graet life you lead! I love in your last post how you sad you just want to enjoy each and every day. That is the best thing. So perfect.
Oh, and I would SO love to see a picture of you washing your car with the good night diapers : ).
a substitute for shamwow?!!! hahahahahaha. you are brilliant!
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