Grandma J is trying to be optimistic, but then she was optimistic when she went to bed last night, and by morning she felt like a herd of elephants trampled across her throat.
Some of you know that Grandma J went to her doctor's office and had a 1 1/2 hour wait because it was 11:30 and they were wrapping up for the morning.
She sat in my car
Now, no one is 3:30 PM, Grandma J was back home with her drugs.
and look who was waiting for her!
I hope the medicine works fast and that you feel better soon. Always a welcome sight to come home to a pet.
Feel better soon! (You probably felt a lot better just being home!)
Oh it strep throat?
I do hope you feel better soon. There is nothing worse than waiting for a diagnosis and some meds.
Take care.
I am sure you are in good hands with Nurse JJ.
What happened! How did I not know that you were injured. I am sending prayers and hugs and lots of love right this second! Smooch. Smooch! SMOOCH!
I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I hope tomorrow is better for you.
This is awful, Grandma J., all except the JJ part. Hope you get lots of rest and feel better soon. Make PJB and Krusty do some of the chores so you can kick back and recooperate.
I hope you feel better soon. It's no fun being sick.
So sorry you are not feeling well. Rest you and get well soon. Blogfest is just around the corner and I cant wait to see you! That JJ is nothing but love!
Appreciaate you blogging this
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