1. She likes to
2, She likes to play Bejeweled Blitz. Actually she is addicted to Bejeweled Blitz. She has tried her darnedest to limit her play time....until you tempted her to download the game on her iPhone too.
So fine, she is resolved to accept her addiction but then you start messing with her.
For instance, today she was disappointed to find Bejewel Blitz undergoing maintenance.
You were kind enough to suggest she try one of your other games. Grandma J was tempted to turn off the computer but then she thought maybe she'd try Zuma Blitz because the word Blitz was pulling her in because that's how addicts are.
So Grandma J did it....she clicked on the Zuma Blitz button. It's called a button, right?
This is what she got!! Really facebook, really?
XOXO Grandma J
I am impressed with you for so many reasons. : ) the fact that you are such an amazing Bejeweled Blitz player just puts you a cut above! : ) I have bejeweled on my phone, but not bejeweled blitz.
LOL....Words with Friends!!!!
They are just messing with you...they have your number!!!!!!
Words with Friends or Scrabble .. both fit nicely on the iPhone AND FB ... xo
I'm jealous that you have time to play games!
I apologize for laughing at your misfortune, but you do have a way of making me laugh. And I thank you for that.
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