I'm Not Going There!
.....no, I'm not.....ever
This may be of interest to my Green friends, but you can't make me go there ever. This is what I'm talking about. Sure, they're cute but reusable? NOT!
.....no, I'm not.....ever
This may be of interest to my Green friends, but you can't make me go there ever. This is what I'm talking about. Sure, they're cute but reusable? NOT!
“Natural living” advocates unveil their latest planet-saving invention - the reusable toilet wipe. This is what they say:
"American taste for soft toilet roll 'worse than driving Hummers'
Extra-soft, quilted and multi-ply toilet roll made from virgin forest."
'nuff said.
Oh no, not at my house, like I dont have enough to wash! I dont drive a Hummer either!
I will never give up my Charmin. Never...and can you imagine doing the wash from the bathrooms? Ewww....
Even better, would be a bidet. really.
*snap, I almost had one.*
Never. Never, never, never!!
We are in seriously deep weeds....scary.
I am not going there........ever either. Wasn't there a thing about Sears & Roebuck catalogs once? (do they make those anymore?)
Ummm....ewww! Do people actually use those?
...memories of cloth diaper days...and that was just for wiping babies butts...not big time adults- UH!
Do they have grown-up styles? Like, Nascar or NFL teams, maybe lipstick and high heels for the ladies? The ones you have shown look like they are for the potty training crowd.
Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no. Thank you.
Oh dear Sweet Baby Jesus. I am not green at all. I try sometimes....but then I go right ahead and put 4 stirrers in my coffee knowing good and well that they will end up in a landfill someday.
I just threw up a little in my mouth. EWWW!
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