Thursday, June 11, 2009


That's what the umps said, and A-Ron's baseball game was over! Just like that!

The score was 7-7 with A-Ron responsible for one of those runs. Coach Noodle wasn't too happy that the ump called the game. No siree......he would have preferred seeing Grandma J fry to a crisp sitting in the bleachers made out of aluminum.

The thunder and Lightning was nonstop, but we didn't get the baseball size hail like some neighboring towns. Grandma J went outside to take a few shots of her apartment in the night after the rain subsided a bit. With the temperature at 90, and the humidity at 79, it's like a sauna. Here is a picture of my new apartment at night....for those who asked.

You can see the lack of front yard, making it easy for future fellow senior citizens to drive their car right through Grandma J's living room window. Actually, windows in order...first two living room, then 1st bedroom. The next building, barely in the picture is a bank of garages....grandma J grabbed the first one for a price.

Don't you love the blinding flood lights? Luckily that aren't that bright in real life! This is a view from the far end of Grandma J's apartment. That corner room is the first bedroom with lots of windows on two sides. Beyond that, the two windows are bedroom #2. That garage door is Grandma J's garage. It's only a single car garage, because Grandma J's car is single.....duh!

Here is a view from Grandma J's back patio. Can we all agree that this is a really nice backyard? The leasing office didn't want Grandma J to pick this particular building or apartment because the landscaping wasn't in yet....but Grandma J is no one's fool. There are very few one for every ten apartments...and she wanted one, and it had to be next to her apartment, not "within walking distance". Because, helloooooo, just exactly how far is walking distance anyway?

These are empty apartments across from Grandma J's apartment, and they are not quite finished yet. Grandma J is fine with that because she knows for a fact that the construction guys who show up every morning are much more pleasing to the eyes than any future tenants. It's starting to rain again, see those drops on the concrete? How about the ones on Grandma J's camera lens?

Tomorrow morning the cable guy is coming to put a "drop outlet" on a different wall, because not everyone wants their TV on the same wall. Yes, in case you were wondering, this is the same cable guy who was supposed to come today.


mdvelazquez said...

I like your apartment. I would have made the same selection because "walking distance" is relative. I'm such a NYC girl that whenever someone says "apartment" I think of a multistoried building. Will your patio eventually be landscaped?

We haven't had hail, but we've had fierce thunderstorms. On Wednesday, it sounded as if there were bombs going off.

I'll cross my fingers for you that the cable guy shows up today and timely.

Have a nice weekend.

Pat Jenkins said...

i would say with the flood lights it looks like a compound around there, but that was the OLD place..... no such luck with just watching the game in a lawn chair grandma j?!.. and i am worried about j bear. no word of him since he boarded his plane. you didn't put him on that ill fated air france flight did you?

MOM #1 said...

I think we shared the same storm, except we got our late Thursday night. It was a doozy!

Love your new place!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Texas is just like florida....we both live in a sauna. :)
Love the pictures. Your spa looks really nice, but I am worried about someone drviving into your house. Perhaps some nice garden gnomes by the windows for protection????

Unknown said...

Yeah, the wife told me that the humidity and the storm was horrendous.

Unknown said...

That hail is CRAZY! WOW! And boy does it sound hot and sticky.... At least your air conditioning is working! Hope your weekend is happy!

Mental P Mama said...

You are sooo smart to get that garage;) But then again, I already knew that...Love the new digs, and can't wait to meet the new neighbors.

mom x 2 said...

Love the new place!! We have those afternoon/evening storms it seems like EVERYDAY!

Anonymous said...

It was some crazy lightening last night and we had tornadoes. I saw two tiny hail spots on my car but nothing big.

Jen said...

Lucky paintig or cabinet replacements! Enjoy!

hollywood said...

While I am supposed to be seriously working on a net out for a purchase offer---I am cruising the web and commenting on blogs. I cited you in my comment on dlisted 'caption this' picture. I wanted you to know where the photo came from, I have been there (sadly enough). Okay, real real estate awaits, enough goofing off.

Unknown said...

The landscapers will be putting nice hybrid burmuda in the back and some lovely stuff out know, hedges or some kind of shrubbery. No gnomes or flamingos, no Mary on the half-shell (a New England favorite), and no wind chimes because believe me... every old person in here will have a plethora of those things.

Hollywood, I commented about your comment on dlisted. I've been worried about you and your family starving in this RE downward spiral, so I'm tickled that my prayers to St. Jude are working. :)

hollywood said...

we almost starved (honestly---my kids learned the value of pinto beans!) so thanks for the prayers! I needed it. :) (headed to dlisted)

hollywood said...

hahahaha......with the word 'skinny' in my mind related to me, this healthy mother is headed to bed! lol full of good enchiladas from Corrales :) On the patio, old hippie guys singing Kansas tunes on the patio and margaritas :)