Grandma J went to see Dr. Bob, the orthopaedic surgeon yesterday. Remember last week she had an MRI on her bum knee? Well, he wanted to go over the results with her. And he said it's busted, broke..... worn out!
He gave her some pain medication, and they discussed the future of her knee...or the lack of future for her knee.
Can you do this? Because it hurts like the dickens when Grandma J tries it....and the sad part is, it's
The plan is for Dr. Bob to shoot grandma J up with a ton of cushy stuff that might last a long time if not forever. He's cutting me a deal because it's something the pharmaceutical company wants him to try, and since
Grandma J picked up some flowers at Wally World while she waited for her drugs. This time she got bright and red.
Today is Friday....maybe a matinee is a good idea since it will be over 100 degrees again....and oh yeah, did I mention it's Friday?
How about Hangover? Has anyone seen it?
Sorry about your knew, Grandma J. I hope the injections help.
Everyone I know who has seen HANGOVER has said that it is laugh out loud funny. I hope you find it the same.
grandma j you are darn good with your research, so please research this "experiment". i don't want this making your knee in the long run inoperable!! i would rather see you just get a new one. of course i ain't the one paying for it... eat your ice cream at the movies quick, if you don't it is going to melt all over you!!!
I am sorry about your knee...we kinda need those parts! I hope the medications help. You deserve fresh flowers!! Have a great weekend. ~Natalie
I am sorry to hear about your knee. Hopefully the cushy stuff will work for a long long time!
I have heard from a couple of people that The Hangover is really funny. Kinda raunchy but funny!
Sorry to hear about the bum knee GJ!
Enjoy the movie~I have not seen it but I always do enjoy your reviews!
And those flowers??? To die for!
Let us know about the cushy son had major knee surgery and it still isn't right.
The Hangover, I am dying to see. But I just live vicariously though your movie reviews. You do realize My Sisters Keeper is released today; my daughter will be up before noon to see it. It will be a tear jerker though.
the second photo does not load...but by reading the comments if you are about to get mother went through that and it helped for a while.
I hope this works out for you and your knee. I say give it a try, really what can you lose? Well, if it is really bad, I suppose you could lose your knee???? ugghhhaddd.
The hangover? Coach and I saw it the other night. Really, I was a tad disappointed. It had great reviews and I thought the story line was going to be fab. Really, it was full of cussing and the characters I thought were unbelievable. That is my take. Coach liked it. I found it to be more of a guy's movie. I am not a guy. :)
Pat, The injection(s) won't be experimental as far as the concept, but it's a new and improved three times better type of sylicone cushion stuff. I will definitely let you guys know how it works. Dr. Bob is a top notch ortho, with some NFL repairs under his belt.
Hollywood, I almost decided to see My Sister's Keeper, but after reading the reviews (which weren't good) I decided against it. The controversial story line is too close to home for me. Through my grandson's leukemia journey, I got to know of too many families who have lost children when they couldn't find a bone marrow match and who would have gone to the ends of the earth to save their child. I also know of a few that had a child to save the life of a terminal sibling. There is one famous case in CA and several years later the lifesaving sibling feels honored,and of course never felt unloved.
Please feel free to post a review from your daughter here. I heard it's a real tear jerker.
Now, someone pass the vicodin and freshen my coffee por favor! :)
Sorry to hear about your knee Grandma-I don't think you are one to sit around either. maybe a cane is in order --OUCH don't hit me with it!
I'm fixing you some coffee as we speak, and I'll sweeeten it up with a Vicodin. One lump or two?
Your signature move is very impressive. Did you once work for Radio City Music Hall? I wouldn't be surprised.
Hopefully your knee will improve over the next 3 weeks so we can see that signature move in person.
Feel better!
-->Would a few shots of tequila help?
Perhaps we should rent you a little scooter for Blog Fest....on second thought, it would give you WAY too much of an advantage over Gustav!
Sorry about the knee....I feel your pain. The knee that has already had 2 surgeries is pretty bad here, but I am afraid to see the doc....I dont have any more time for pain or doctors.
I heard Hangover was funny, but cant bring myself to support Woody Allen...sick man.
Hope you keep cool this weekend....lots of drama here, pooper had a tooth pulled (emergency) and on the same day, Daddy got 2 hours into his flight to Hawaii (yeah, I know) and they had to turn around...they landed surrounded by the flashing lights of 80's and their emergency friends. Cra-za-zy!
Ill call you tomorrow, if things calm down.
chocolate party tonight (and tomorrow, and yesterday and Monday!)
My mom had knee replacement surgery (begrudingly) about 2 months ago. She says she isn't in pain for the first time in years. Hope it doesn't come to that for you.
I have lots of friends who want to go see My Sister's Keeper because we all read the book and loved it. But being pregnant, there's no way. I start crying when I see the previews.
I say go for The Hangover - I hear it's hilarious!
Michael Jackson, Shmikel Shmakson....Billy Mays has died.
Maybe we can steal one of those cool grocery store scooters for you to perambulate during Blogfest??
My hubs is taking me to see the Hangover tomorrow and I can't freakin' wait. Our kiddos are with their grandparents this week. BTW - they call their grandma "Bammy J" because they couldn't say "Grammy J" - so that's cool, right? I knew you'd think so!
I worry about you. I am going to pray tonight that it heals quickly! I LOVE your signature move. You are so cool. The coolest girl in Texas!
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