Sunday, June 21, 2009


Little Susie goes home from school and tells her mum that the boys keep asking her to do cartwheels because she's very good at them!!

Mum said : " YOU should say NO! They only want to look at your undies".

Susie said: " I know they do, that's why I hide them in my backpack"!!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, and to my son and three sons-in-law who are the best dads ever.


joanne said...

gak! That's funny...I should pass it on to my husband..;p

Mental P Mama said...

!!! That Susie is goin' places;)

Tins and Treasures said...

Is Susie blond? Maybe on the inside, huh? Happy Summer ~Natalie

Pat Jenkins said...

boys will be dads one day grandma j!! happy father's day to all your dads. and that includes jj's and j bear's!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Phillip Johnny Bob says Happy Father's Day. He and I might go on an adventure today and take some more pictures. If I get any good ones, I'll send you some.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my lordy!!!
Happy Father's day to the men in your life too!

I Am Woody said...

Wow, that Susie is one smart cookie!!

Linda said...


Unknown said...

Bwahahaha...that was really funny. Hard Working Man thought so too! Hope you have a great day.

I hadn't been commenting because I was having a problem with your page repopulating over and over again and then I realized that my pop up blocker was on. Duh!

heartshapedhedges said...

Was that autobiographical?

Deb said...

thanks for the chuckle! and Happy Father's Day to all your special guys!

Leave a Legacy said...

That was a cute little story. I may re-tell it at dinner tonight that I'm making for me father. said...

I can't believe I've never hear that before! Too funny! ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. That is HILARIOUS. You always make me smile.

mdvelazquez said...

She showed them, didn't she? Very funny!

Dawn said...

hahaha! my goodness... that made me LAUGH!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

LMAO! That was too funny!