This Is V Week..... A to Z Monday
Because they are so abundant, and because there are days I think they may be stalking me....I picked the Vulture for my V word.

These guys are everywhere.....and it's still a novelty for Grandma J to see them soaring overhead every day.

I stopped along the highway to take this picture a while back. This is just a sampling of the

And looky here! They fight. Who knows what this is about, but they had one heck of a spat. Someone warned me recently about getting too close to Vultures....especially if they are eating. Recently the subject came up and this sweet lady in my doctors office told me that
the worse thing about them is their defensive Vomit. Grandma J did not make that up!
Because Grandma J has lived a very sheltered life. She thought the meanest birds in the world were the seagulls who used to swoop on over, or just walk right up and take your food right off your blanket at the beach. Years ago I told my little munchkins to hold their sandwiches up so they didn't get sand in them. My obedient munchkins put there sandwich up and some seagulls thought it was an invitation. Seagulls seem so mild to me now.
Brought to you by A to Z Mondays. Scoot on over and check out the other V words. It's not too late to join in!
your a to z mondays have been very educational grandma j!! thank you! it just shows that learning never stops!!!
I cannot stand to look at those birds. But I guess they do serve their purpose....
You convinced me--I don't like those birds. I think vomit was the straw.
I would be afraid to leave me house. You are made of sturdy stuff since you stopped to photograph them.
I don't care for them at all. The ones we have here are called Turkey vultures. They are huge.
One day I came home and one was on my roof. I had to check and make sure I was not DEAD already....
Those seagulls? they are brutal...and really rude too. :)
Yikes! Defensive VOMIT??? No kidding,you better hide from these guys. Great V word!!
Aren't they awful? We have turkey buzzards (or rather that's what we call them). Nasty creatures, however they are Nature's garbage collectors, eating all that dead, smelly stuff we run over on the roads.
No dinner for me tonight after that last sentence...
Also, No PJB yet...stopped by the post office and there was no slip in my box telling me a package was waiting..Even if he did show up the post office shuts down at 4:00 and I don't get home until 5, so it may be Thursday before I get him! This is awful because i was counting on him to take up a few blog posts this week.
I had those creepy old things take roost in my maple tree last year. They stayed for a week, and I was glad to see them go.
a necessary evil something has to clean up all the roadkill. funny post.
Makes me wonder what their OFFENSIVE vomit is like. No, on second thought, I don't really wonder. Nice pictures of the gang, though!
Defensive vomit??
LOL..the Keeper and I were at the beach and a seagull took the food she was getting ready to eat, about six inches from her mouth..I almost PMP laughing so hard.
yikes! you better be careful out there! it makes my stomach turn to see them gathered... and fighting off the other diners! ick! and i did not kow about the vomit. i guess i would;ve been contentnot knowing. yep- give me a seagull ANY day!
Oh no! Those bad boys give me the willies! Icky, icky birds.
Now that is a good V! I love it! I hope they stay far away from you! I am very thankful they don't take your ice cream away from you. That would be traumatic!
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