When Phillip Johnny Bob...
....gets down in the dumps the whole world
Grandma J would notice PJB staring our the window, confused over what was happening. This whole moving thing was new and foreign to him. He wondered just what did this new Spa place have, that the Compound didn't? Surely there couldn't be a better band of

Grandma J was a bit put out to see all the junk Phil was force feeding himself. This plate of left over Easter candy troubled her. Especially since he didn't have candy in his Easter basket this year. Come to think of it, Phillip Johnny Bob didn't have an Easter basket.
Phillip Johnny Bob said it

He was going away on a well deserved trip. One that would take him to meet

That's right, he's off to help Chesapeake Bay Woman plan the biggest blogfest ever....the Virgina Blogfest in Mathews, VA. Of course Big Hair Envy will lend a hand, and for that Phil is grateful.

Jack wasn't working at the Post Office and this guy told Grandma J not to take his picture. She obediently said, OK.
Too bad smug postal worker doesn't know that Grandma J doesn't use flash in well lit buildings.....Gotcha, Mr. Postman!
Travel safely, Phillip Johnny Bob. I hope you write home, and I will see you next month. JJ says
you are a bon-a-fide NUTCASE.
And, in case you are wondering where he got the candy....no doubt it was in the bin marked "breakfast for grandchildren"
I hope he has fun in VA, are you sure he doesnt feel abandoned, like you are sending him away to military school as a punishment?
waiting for pics of your new neighbors and spa amenities
Hooray!!! I can't wait for his arrival, he will be spoiled rotten while he's here.
I probably won't pick him up from the airport I mean post office until Monday after work, but I'll make sure he settles in and starts to get used to being here in the looney bin, I mean nut farm, I mean his new home in Mathews.
I can't wait!!
What a cool idea...perhaps he can visit here!
Happy Saturday!
Your nutcase behavior isn't exclusive to Phillip Johnny Bob. Not that it's a bad thing.
I hope he has snacks to tide him over. Just where did he get the candy from then??? I am confuzzled.
I hope he has a nice trip over. If he wants to see Florida, put him on a greyhound. They NEVER bite!!!
Crazy west of Albuquerque? lol. I actually got on to read about a love (or distaste) for tomatoes as I gave my bologna to my personal JJ (aka, Tib and Ruby) and realized, I just like tomatoes w/Miracle Whip on 'em.
Have you met any hot guys @ the pool yet? You need a new boyfriend @ the Spa! :)
Since PJB is spoken for, does JJ want to come visit North Carolina?
How much fun this is!! I can not wait to meet Johnny Bob. And his mother, of course!
Had me rolling with tears in my eyes!
Awww, poor PJB seems to be have anxiety over moving. I think you should give his room a whole new make-over and when he comes home he'll know how much he's loved. I'm afraid to say it, but maybe you are showing favoritism with JJ and PJB just can't handle all this at once. You had really better get your act together GJ or I'll have to put in for adopting him. LOL
LOL, you are funny, Senorita!!!
first off grandma j you let j bear know i think he is one good dresser! that shirt of his was awful sharp.....we all need time to get away! a little sun and surf will do him good!! let's hope he doesn't like it there better than the spa though!!
PJB rocks!
You are so funny and so creative. Such an imagination! I love reading about the adventures of you and PJB. So entertaining.
Laughing my head off about Heart Shaped Hedges comment about the breakfast for grandchildren bin : ).
For a guy that didn't want his picture taken, he sure looked happy, didn't he?
Have a safe PJB!
You are one sneaky lady, Grandma J.
I sure hope remembered to put air holes and a flashlight in that box.
You are too funny. We all need a little vacay every now and then!
ooo... mr. postman would be ticked if he saw his face up here!! i love that you caught him anyway :) i hope you packed up some of his snacks in that box!
Well I for one cannot wait to meet you both! He'll be nice and tanned the next time you see him. Can he come to my house next??
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