Monday, June 29, 2009

This Week's A to Z letter is....


And because Grandma J is on vocodin you are so special, Grandma J has a short but sweet Y post for you.....


I never knew Jewel was a Yodeler...but she is! Yodel along, if you can!

Check out other Y words A to Z Mondays! It's never too late to join in!


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Yowza, you're still on the vicodin? You need to be able to frolic in less than three weeks.

Feel better soon.

Shelley said...

First and only time I was on Vicodin was last year after my gallbladder surgery - talk about some "hazey" days - LOL!!
Good Y! I have a dog that Yodels!

Mental P Mama said...

Ouch! Feel better soon!

Linda said...

I used to think I liked yodeling, but I think I've changed my mind!

Jen said...

Happy Monday Grandma J.
Yodeling is a gift I do not possess. ;)

Minerva said...

Can't yodel along. I feel like I might hurt something ;)
Good Y post, Grandma J !

Busy Bee Suz said...

Great Y word. I can only yodel in the shower!

Unknown said...

Yodeling my way over to tell you to get better soon!!!! I can not wait to see you!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Feel better soon GJ! Looking forward to meeting you!

Pat Jenkins said...


I Am Woody said...

Isn't she married to a bull rider?

Dawn said...

i guess you get the gold star for the funniest "y" word this week!

(and yes, she is married to Ty Murray- one cute cowboy!)

Anonymous said...

Her husband was the cowboy on Dancing With The Stars. Wasn't she supposed to be on there too? I bet they would have added The Beer Barrel Polka to the list of dances.


Deb said...

some how, i did know this about Jewel.

Cassie said...

Oooo, I wish I could hear Jewel Yodeling, but there is a block on videos here at the library. Phooey. My mother in law can yodel and we always ask her to do it at fam gatherings. She's so cute. A little short, fat yodeler. (I see that in my future too!!)

Ben said...

Wow, the last good pop music yodel I remember was in "Hocus Pocus" by the Dutch band, Focus, back around 1971.

Jason, as himself said...

I do love Jewel.

I do love vicodin.

Just kidding about the vicodin.

Ever watch Nurse Jackie?

Unknown said...

Holy Cannoli. WOWZA. You are so good at these letters Grandma J!

Leave a Legacy said...

Even on vicodin you're still creative!

mdvelazquez said...

Suddenly I'm in the mood for some Swiss Miss instant cocoa.

Unknown said...

Did I tell you that Gary couldn't stop smiling after I told him you thought he was hot when we were on vacation? He just yelled down the stairs that it was time for me to come up, and I said, hold on I am on Grandma J's blog and he said "Oh, take as long as you want. And tell her I said hi." He loves you : )