Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Season Eleven starts July 9th.....will you be there? Some of you know how shamelessly addicted Grandma J is to Big Brother. She watches Big Brother After Dark (BBAD) from midnight til three a.m. every night. She used to pay for the 24/7 live feed on the Internet....and yes, you are right, the whole world stops for three months.

I'm sure you are way ahead of the loop and already know the inside scoop, but in case you don't, let me help you.

There are some new twists and turns this year. You can read all about it here.

These are the house guests.

You can read all about them.

Braden” - “Eye candy” says Grodner. 25yr old surfer dude

Casey” - the “dad,” 41yr old 5th-grade teacher & DJ

Chima” - 32yr old freelance journalist

Jeff” - 30yr old advertising salesman from Chicago, single

Jordan” - 22yr-old waitress. Young blonde female

Kevin” - token homosexual male. 29yr old graphic designer

Laura” - Young brunette female that reminded me of BB8’s Jen

Lydia” - here’s a BB first: bisexual female. 24yr old make-up artist

Michele” - the “smart girl,” 27yr old neuroscientist (that’s kinda cool)

Natalie” - apparently the “tough girl,” 24 yr old Tae Kwon Do champion

Ronnie” - the “geek,” 30yr old, married, an obsessed gamer (apparently that’s a profession)
with a photographic memory including in-depth details on BB history

Russell” - the “tough guy,” 24yr old MMA (mixed martial arts) fighter

“Mystery HG” - ohhh. CBS has listed one additional HG spot with a “?” on their site! Could this be you?


Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Oh, I'll be there! The contestants always annoy the heck out of me, but it's reality tv and I can't pass that up.

mdvelazquez said...

Count me out. I'm odd (wo)man out where reality television is concerned.

Have a great day, Grandma J.

Pat Jenkins said...

grandma j enjoy your new season!! i know i couldn't stomach watching past the first 2 seconds... he he...

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Not me, but it might be Phillip Johnny Bob, who by the way says hello. I'll send you some pictures later today.

Linda said...

More mindless rot to waste our time. I have enough of that in my life already, and I don't watch Big Brother, but don't try to keep me away from the Amazing Race, or Survivor! LOL!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Sorry GJ- I wont be watching it - every TV in our house is somehow stuck on cartoon network.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I will try this season...I have liked it in the past and so do my girls, but sometimes it gets a bit racy and I have to turn it off to protect my virgin eyes/ears. :)

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be on Big Brother, but I'm afraid it will catapult me into a new life of fame and fortune. I'm not sure I'd be able to handle it.


Jen said...

I was hooked the first few seasons.
I even had a PB&J contest at the office I worked at at the time. I had prizes for those that ate the most PB&J sandwiches for the day. ha!
I will probably tune in to see what's going on...

Kelly said...

We watch!! I am glad to hear I am not alone in my little BB obsession.

I Am Woody said...

I wasn't really supposed to tell but the mystery guest is ME!!

Unknown said...

Could you apply to be on it Grandma J? I never really watched it, but I clearly need to since it is so good : ) Good enough to pay for? It has to be intriguing. I am going to really try to watch this season. said...

How did you guess? I told those people not to tell anyone that I was the mystery guest! I mean if they run around spewing my secrets to everyone, then it's not much of a mystery is it? *sigh* Now I gotta go fire a bunch of people...
Thanks for the heads up, tho! ;-)

Deb said...

I was shocked to see on Showtime the boys showering...naked. I only saw this once and it was with the last two contestants. I don't think I'll watch.

Unknown said...

Gosh Deb, and others, just to clarify.....Big Brother is on CBS, and is not R rated anymore than any other prime time show. However, If you subscribe to Showtime then most of the shows are a bit risque, BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) is one of them. I personally only subscribe to Showtime during Big Brother's three month show on CBS. Otherwise, I think most of Showtime is a bit raunchy.

And how the heck did I miss that naked shower scene? Darn it all!

Unknown said...

Since I don't have my regular shows right now...I might just have to become a new watcher.

Keep us posted on juicy stuff on the BBAD...I don't have cable.