Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Recently, yesterday I was telling you all about the deer that wandered, aimlessly lost overran the Spa where I live.

The incident reminded Grandma J that she was living in the wilderness, just one hundred yards from a major intrastate highway known as FM 2410. This has huge significance since FM stands for Farm to Market in Texas and other wilderness states.

Will all the excitement of wildlife fading like Grandma J's hair from brown to grey into the past, Grandma J moved on with her plans for the day. Plans like taking A-Ron and his sister to the mall for a day of shopping and good Mexican food at En Fuego. Little did she know that her close encounter with Mother Nature's beasts was far from over......

As she started to get dressed, she felt some itching in her chest area. Glancing inside her bra, revealed a colony of ants. Holy mother of all living things!

Grandma J, quickly stripped down looked in her drawer full of "delicates" to see the whole Texas Colony of ants partying down like they were at a Victoria's Secret Grand Opening Gala.

Being quick on her feet, she sprayed the inside of the drawer with Raid Flying Insect stuff, then emptied the draw with her hands, and sprayed the inside of the empty drawer with more Raid Flying Insect stuff.....because that's all she had.

Next, she shook out all the infested "delicates" and then put them in the wash, and Swiffered up the ants' remains.

Please don't pay any attention to the dust.....I Swiffered the whole room, and I have a couple good reasons for the huge amount of dust amidst the ant corpses.

1. Construction dust in the AC vents.

2. Hello? Did you forget about Grandma J's dependency on Vicodin lack of a working knee, rendering her unfit for housework?

After a productive visit to the mall, it was back home to box up some special purchases to ship to 1SG John in Iraq.

And of course to veg out.....before heading out to the ball park.

And practice for the AAU South TX Regional Chmpionship Track & Field National Qualifier, July 16-18 in Round Rock TX. That Grandma J will sadly miss because she'll be at the VA Blogfest.

Even JJ was vegging out....too pooped for playtime......

You think? NOT!


mdvelazquez said...

I was wondering where you were today.

Pfft! You think that is a lot of dust? I think I might have to apply for social security cards for my dust bunnies.

How did the ants get in your draw?

Unknown said...

You handled that a lot better than I would have!!! I would have flipped. Glad you were able to get the situation under control.

It looks like you wore the kiddo's out!!!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Nothing worse than ants in your drawers and your bra! That JJ is something else!
I would say "sorry" you are going to miss the track and field NQ ~ really I'm not selfish all the time!

Big Hair Envy said...

For some reason, I'm itchy....!!

Don't you just LOVE a good pest spray??

Anonymous said...

Out of all the bras in the world, why would ants pick yours to party in?


Busy Bee Suz said...

I just need to know if you went commando while the bras were being washed!!!!!
Get those grandkids to help you with the are practically handicapped right now!!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

OH NO. You're not even here yet and you have an ant infestation? This does not bode well....

Get the heavy duty Raid in the silver can, not the other wimpy variety. I'm trying to figure out what they were doing in your delicates drawer. Is there something edible in there?

Jason, as himself said...

Talk about getting ants in your pants!

Oh, I just kill me.

Jen said...

Better than bed bugs I guess.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness the ants are creeping me out! Where did they come from? And I wondered why they picked that drawer? I am glad you demolished them! Way to go! SO glad you had fun at the mall! So glad you made a package for Sgt John. I pray for him every day. Your grandkids are so tan! Wowzers. I am worried about your pain. I want to come and take care of you for a few days. Or a week : ) Or month. Sans Kaish of course, because as delightful as he is, well, he definitely adds energy to any room he enters. I don't know if you need energy. I think you need peace : ). HOLY COW this is a long comment. And PS I LOVE your bedspread. You are so cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I battled ants in the kitchen today and was somewhat bent out of shape about it. After reading your post, I'm thanking my lucky stars! Hope you didn't get any bites in sensitive places while you were "wearing" the ants.

Happy Independence Day to you (a little ahead of time).

Karen B.

Mental P Mama said...

Yikes! I bet there'll be some ants in Virginia, too;) Hope you're feeling better.

I Am Woody said...

Glad those beasts weren't fire ants!!! said...

Oh, dear! Were they fire ants? I hope not!