Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gadgets for me...or you

Grandma J  considers herself a gadget meister when it comes to kitchen wizardry.   Take for example the microwave....yep, she has one.  Then there's the automatic coffeemaker....ditto on that one.   A hand mixer?  Got it!

So is anyone surprised when she tells you she's been looking for something new and exciting to spice up her kitchen? 

 That's when the kitchen gods created the Yonana!  This crazy unique gadget turns overly ripe, frozen bananas into ice cream!!  Can you say Yo-yo yummy?

Do you have a Yonana?   Would you cough up $50 for one?  Should Grandma J?

 Or, maybe  Grandma J could try out for Yonana mascot?

Perhaps she should go for something a bit simpler to help her with her text messaging and  on her iPhone. 

Something really cute like the Awethumb.  OK, it's not electronic, but it looks awethumb!  Grandma J won't have to worry about misspelled words on Word with Friends (jannie)  anymore.

Last but not least.....OK, I heard all those sighs of relieve, humor me!

It's the sauna pants.   AND just so you know, Grandma J does not recommend these for any reason....and there are many.

xoxox Grandma J


Anonymous said...

Oh how funny! Amazing how much these gadgets cost!

Daryl said...

I love anything banana so I'd go $50 for that .. that finger thing looks well weird .. and you must join me in a game of Words .. GirlShops is my handle.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I love banannas. Bannana ice cream sounds divine : )

Anonymous said...

I'm not Paula Deen, bur I would think a food processor or a blender would do a good job on turning a frozen banana into ice cream texture.


Busy Bee Suz said...

Sauna pants? I have those all summer long....
Yeah, I need the awethumb badly. :)

Mental P Mama said...

Wait. You have those pants????

Connie said...

HA! I have too many gadgets and things in my house now! I don't think I need anymore. Thanks for the smile. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha..... I bought a wonderful kitchen gadget last year (which hubby and I both love)... However, this gadget has brought more blubber to my hips!!!! SO---guess I need to throw away the bread maker and buy the sauna pants... ha ha ha

M said...

Hahaha...dig those sauna pants! As for ice cream....I don't like banana....only put it in my smoothies w/green apple and cuties...and thsoe go into my blender that I got in 1987 for $25. Happy Thursday!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Can't talk. Traumatized by sauna pants.

At first I thought they were for men. Either way, parts is parts and steamed parts don't sound right to me.

Not right at all.

Frozen bananas, steamed parts, I've got to rest my eyes now.