I was feeling blah, so I bought some flowers for myself.
Then I heard my phone summon me for a new text message.....
Maybe company's coming over.....
Maybe it's an invite, or an old friend ......
Or maybe it's none of the above.
Back to the flowers.
xoxo Grandma J
Flowers are always nice:)
Well, even though it was the wrong number, the flowers are still very nice.
You should have invited them over anyway! :D
Your flowers are very pretty.
LOL...about my speed....
Aw, that was kinda sad. m.
If you lived near me I would come and bother you so much you would go crazy. I would make you come out to the field and model for pictures : ) I suppose I would let JJ be in some of them too!
I have been feeling a little glum lately too. Not sure why. Kaish got done school on Monday. He was so excited. I took vacation today and tomorrow so I can spend time with the little angels : ) Naji is here too.
You are a blessing. A beautiful blessing.
'If you do not raise your eyes you will think that you are the highest point.' ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin
Those are so pretty, I love flowers .. and Wrg numbs
Have I mentioned how glad I am that you're back?
I would love to come over and smell your beautiful flowers.
You should not feel too blah...cause beating me at WWF should cheer you up. :)
The other "janie" and I are still playing games...I think she likes me.
Suz, we still have two games going.....and I think you are winning!
Now come smell my $4 flowers. ;)
The flowers are beautiful
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