Grandma J shared this photo of her First Holy Communion a while back. She focused on the home permanent, and the humongous curl in the middle of her forehead. It was not much of a fashion statement by her mother, Rita, but rather the only option besides cutting Grandma J's hair into bangs.
That's right.....bangs.
The curse of the chopped crooked bangs. Bangs cut with the precision you can only get using pinking shears or hedge trimmers.
By fifth grade, Grandma J's worse nightmare came to fruition! The dreaded bangs. The ones that half the mothers in America insisted that their daughters sported.
But come on! Who does this to a baby? Seriously? A six month old Grandma J had her hair whacked off to the point of stubs, and then had her picture professionally taken.
Anyone else want to share their bang pictures?
xoxo Grandma J
And I thought my mother was the only one who did her daughter like that. THE BANGS--OH! THE BANGS! I have a very round face and a low forehead--so you can about imagine how I looked.
Like an idiot--but I think you looked pretty cute!
you were rockin' the bangs my dear! Oh my, the horror and the memories that those pictures bring back...I wonder if I did that to my own daughter..;j
I'm sure you believe me when I write that I have no "bang" photos at all. And Thank God!
Your Friend, m.
Bangs or no banks, you are a cutie pie.
I shared mine a while ago....the ones I gave to myself!!!! OY.
OH, HOW CUTE! I have a good many of those horrible do shots. But on you it looks good!
Great pictures, Grandma J. Made me giggle. I share your bangs pain. I had them on and off again for years growing up. Always cut too short and slightly crooked! :D
I've got plenty of 'em. But I don't know about sharing them!
Those are some great bangs. Mom always cut mine and they were always way to short, or seemed that way in the pictures. I am going to spend my first year of retirement going thru old pictures and scanning them, to use in blogging and to have them all in one place.
You were a beautiful baby.
And now you are a beautiful lady sans the psycho bangs! ; )
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