It's Saturday and the temperature is supposed to be reach 104 degrees today. Yesterday was supposed to be 102 but ended up being 105 degrees.
Central Texas is in the middle of a severe drought. No rain to speak of in months. Well, one good downpour that flooded my den back in May, but that lasted an hour or much good for the lawn or plants. I'm not complaining, just wanting to see some color blossoming.
Back in Orange County CA the Jacarandas are blooming. I always thought they were so beautiful, but never gave them much thought. They were always there, and bloomed like crazy every year. I haven't seen any in Texas, but then it's a big state you know!
Admittedly, there were times Grandma J considered them a nuisance because they could be messy when the blossoms fell causing you to take time to sweep them up.
The were beautiful by a pool and so pretty to look up at against the blue sky.
Grandma J thought everyone had Jacaranda trees. She misses them. Do you have Jacaranda trees in your neck of the woods?
All photos are from the June 17th edition of the Orange County Register. I borrowed them without permission. Amen
xoxo Grandma J
Nope. But we have plenty of other flowering trees....I have not seen many trees on my Texas visits...wonder if you could plant one at the spa?
No, we don't have those here. I totally want some. How crazy gorgeous are they?
I am shooting a wedding today and I am just about to shove myself into a dress. I always get so freaking nervous before weddings. Pray for me, k?
I would die of happiness to talk to you at the grocery store. Those nuts that don't talk back to you are crazy. They should know they are standing in the presence of greatness!
No but they are beautiful! I thought we were burning up. It is very hot for June. We need rain too badly!
Thanks for all the sweet comments at my place lately. I'm so glad your back. I really missed you.
None of those here, but I wish we did, they're beautiful.
Right now the mimosa trees are blooming. Hmmm. Mimosas...
Nope, no purple trees here.
Sorry for your heat and drought. You need to move. m.
I've never even heard of them. I would love to them up close, though. Your pictures are lovely.
You know I got em! Mine is the oldest on the street and not doing so well. Hope I move before the city cuts it down. Don't know if it will grow in the mts but I'm sure gonna try.
We do have some of them in our area; gorgeous. We have a lot of Poinciana trees...very similar with Yellow or orange flowers; again gorgeous!
Have you tried a rain dance??
loxandlo, that first picture is pretty close to your street, and reminded me of yours. Your mountain has beautiful trees, that would make a nice addition.
Oh, so so pretty! I love those. I have this giant something in my front yard that I wanted to have taken out and a jacaranda put in. All the new developments in town had them. When I went to the garden store to find out about it, the guy told me that they are not good for my area because even though we have mild temps we do get frost in the winter and that would kill it. I asked him why they were planted here then, and he told me to just wait and they wouldn't be here after the next frost. Sure enough, we don't see them at all anymore. So, no I don't have one. Gorgeous pics!
Yes! And I love to run passt them...and when the sky is crazy clear blue the purple is even prettier :) Enjoy!
I have never heard of these trees, but wow! They are gorgeous!
Nope. I do gots a lot of crape myrtle, though.
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