This one from Stanley Steemer about Toby the dog, showing everyone his new trick. The commercial was clever and funny, but the shrieking scream from Toby's human mommy was annoying.
Well, the latest commercial that drives Grandma J crazy it the one from Travelocity.......
Where the husband tells his wife she looks like a beach angel, causing her to scream at the top of her lungs.
People....its the scream that drives Grandma J crazy. Just like it was the woman screaming at poor Toby.
Is there a commercial that drives YOU up a wall? Besides the Colon Lady that is.
That's one where a woman sees a spider on a cell phone and thinks it "REAL", I guess. She screams so awfully, it sounds like she's being murdered--and my husband would like to kill her every time she does.
Otherwise, we can't figure out why, in the Cialis (sp?)(or a similar product) commercial, the two people are always sitting in 2 bathtubs, side-by side, facing the ocean.
You can see- we have way too much time on our hands.
That is so funny, because I love that commercial. I think it's a riot. The boy isn't a genius, the girl isn't going to be an architect, the dad is not hot, and the mom is not a beach angel, but they are having such a good time and love each other so much that they are all those things to each other. :)
I agree with bluebird on the bug/cell phone commercial. The volume on that one seems to be ten times louder than all the other ones. Ugh!
I haven't seen anything in a while that irked me. I will be on the lookout tonight while I am editing though so I can contribute to this post ; ) Happy Monday to my very favorite Texas girl.
Hahaha! YEP, the screams annoy me too! what's crazier, or worse, I don't even recall what the commercial is about because I'm so in to what is going on...and the spider one too. :) My mind can only take in a few things at a time. Otherwise I'm totally lost. :)
Flo with Progressive. I can't watch any of them. I have an entire list of commercials though that bug.
The mute is the best defense against shrill commercials that boost the sound up 5 notches from the level that you were listening at .. GAH I hate them
Haha! We laugh at that Travelocity commercial and I tell Madison I'm going to scream like that when we are on vacation just so I embarrass her!
I'm going to have to look that one up. I DVR everything and fast forward right through commercials.
And, if I ever make a video of myself, I promise not to scream in it.
Did you see the movie scream? me neither, but I assume it is full of screaming ninnies.
I also tivo everything....never do I see a commercial unless someone SCREAMS through the house: Hey mama, you gotta see this one!
Bluebird, I forgot all about the cell phone with the's over the top as far as screaming goes. And I think all those erectile disfunction commercials are corny and laughable, especially the seperate tubs on the beach.
Pumpkin, I love the fact that the family is so happy but her scream just drives me crazy...bless their happy widdle hearts.
Rebeckah, You would find the Travelocity commercial sweet. Then you would be asking Gary to call you a beach angel every time you go to the pool.
Hollywood, my DIL was Flo for halloween. She drives me crazy too....Unicorns and glitter, back at cha!
Daryl, I'd mute but usually it's too late. I'm not a remote hugger because if it's close by, JJ usually steps on it during the best part of what ever I'm watching. He just can't get enough kisses...
Mark, TIVO? I don't have that. How do I get it? My cable company has fast forward I think but it's probably another $10 a month. Right now their bill is almost another car payment.
Briana, What a hoot you are! I love that tad of motherly evil running through your veins! I have it too.
Suz, I never saw scream, but when I come to FL we'll have to see it together and scream our lungs out.
I don't like those Kohler ones...with the "hey hey hey, good-bye-eye" as they flush.....
I don't watch I guess I miss out on the shrieking...but I did watch the TX win yesterday...and several play off games....and the TV time outs are SOSOOOOOOSOoo long!
Sorry Grandma J....I love the beach angel commercial; makes me laugh everytime. Of course, I watch almost NO TV so I've only seen it 8 or 10 times. The previous one with the woman who was going to get "red as a lobster"...that was annoying.
As for having a dog "scooting" on the carpet-ewwwww.
Of course I can think of absolutely none at the moment, but I am pretty sure that the ones that gripe me most are usually the ones with the really stupid jingles. That either make no sense at all or are just plain stupid.
I can't think of one off-hand, but I, too, am noise sensitive; I hear stuff that no one else notices.
Your sweet little grandaughter is a cutie pie, too, btw :)
Although it doesn't have a shrill scream, I cannot STAND the weight watchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson. I love her voice but she goes way overboard on a COMMERCIAL and I see it at least 7 times a day. I hope she gets laryngitis for that one!
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