Thursday, July 21, 2011

Three Things.....the afternoon edition

Has anyone noticed that Grandma J has become a late sleeper?  How about the fact that it's been early to bed for her lately too?   Well, that's unless her cell phone signals her turn for Words w/Friends.

Anyway, that's a tad off subject, but the truth is, this heat has Grandma J in a slump.  A hot Texas slump with an equal part of humidity thrown in to keep Grandma J's face supple and moist the sweat glands working to full capacity.

Grandma J isn't the only one who's wiped out from this heat..........

all photos taken from indoors!
JJ loves to go over to the neighbor's back stoop to lay in the sun.  

Day after day.......

Even when the day's heat zaps him of all his energy.

Grandma J is a tad smarter than JJ.

xoxo Grandma J


Unknown said...

: )
I hope it gets cooler soon and you and JJ both return to your regular spunky selves.

The kids are grumpy today and when I said we should go to the pool (since it is 103 degrees) they had the nerve to tell me 'all you ever want to do is take us to the pool. We are sick of the pool.'

I told them to find a new mother ; )

Daryl said...

I love that he was watching you watch him .. he's so cute .. and a little nutzo to want to be out in that heat in his buzz cut

Connie said...

I think JJ is trying to get a tan. :-D

I'm glad you're smarter than he is.
I hope this heat lets up soon!

Busy Bee Suz said...

He is so funny. I think you need SPF 200 for him though.
Cocoa and Ozzie like the sun....Ozzie can only handle about 10 minutes though.

Bluebird49 said...

It's in the triple digits here--112 degree heat index today. sweetie--I'm NOT an over-achiever--I'm the the highest UNDER achiever that I know. You'd be horrified if you could see this house right now. This Fibromyalgia really kicks my youknowhat--so I constantly stay behind. When the kids come--I'm always in a swivet! LOL They know me well-I don't know why I get this way.
By the way-you are virtually invited to come to the cottage with us--iced tea available! :smile: Or..perhaps something a bit stronger if you're into that.;)

Bluebird49 said...

jj doesn't seem too smart....

M said...

I wish I could come on out and play with JJ....I love the's cold here...rained this morning!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

You're not the only one in a slump. AT least now I know what to blame - the heat. I could sleep all day long, easily.

Love your pool float!

katie eggeman said...

We have not had the heat here in So Cal, at least not everyday. But Mr BC is in MO and it has been suffering from the same heat and humidity that affects most of the midwest and south.

Mental P Mama said...

Ugh. That is all.

Minerva said...

I felt like JJ looks in that last picture all weekend! Except when I was in the pool. Then I looked like a prune. ;)

Mark said...

Maybe he's working on his tan! Did someone say that before me? I don't read previous comments. But that's what happens when I arrive late.
I'm just back from a week at the beach. m.