The old fashion way
About once a month, I like to turn my mattress and spray disinfectant on my box spring and mattress and anything within five feet of where I sleep. I have always done this, even though I don't recall my mother ever doing it, or anyone telling me to do it. Maybe my fear of bugs, and when I was a kid, hating it when an adult would say, "sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite".
I buy disinfectant spray in

Not so fast! I love to check out products and find out how they've been marketed over the years. Like I did with Lifebuoy Soap and Tide that you didn't have to rinse out.
I have to say, I was really shocked at what I found out about Lysol. Maybe I'm the only one who didn't know that our mothers, if you're old like me, grandmothers were probably shamed into actually using this stuff to save their self-esteem, and maybe their marriages with perfect feminine hygiene.
Here's a sample of ads. I only left the text on one, because it's hard to read, but they all basically say the same thing...Use me or else. And believe me, there are plenty more!

This post is no shocker to me...
I have nightmares, I mean, memories, yeah, super happy memories of being asleep in bed on a Saturday....say 7am, and having SOMEONE fling open my bedroom door to say:
GET UP! Come on, let's go, we have a LOT OF CLEANING to do today!!
This was sort of the regular Saturday speil....
Except, that my calendar had other things, like, wake up, take a shower, go to a friend's house or to the mall, or to work, or the movies....
BUT, the cleaning obsession, it was never on my calendar, still never is.
To HSH, The only thing you had nighmares over was Tigger on the opposite side of your Pooh pillow case. You wouldn't sleep on it with the Tigger side up because he might GET YOU.
House cleaning never was your forte. Malls were.
How about you come clean my house when you get done. Thanks! ;)
I hadn't thought about Lysol -- now I have to think about Lysol. Although its possible use as a cleanser for my delicate girlie parts is not gonna happen. Nope. Not.
Another Grannie J(o)
Women were definitely suppressed back then. I'm surprised they didn't rise up and rebel..Oh, wait, I think they did.
Just the thought of all that brain washing advertisers used back then.
I just love lysol
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