FRIDAY MATINEE DELAYED...or what else is new?
Unless the fact that it's Friday the 13th tells you to cancel everything.
Hopefully this Friday Matinee..delayed, won't become the norm. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I won't be able to keep my commitment to you this week. I'm sure last Friday's delay is just a distant memory, but let me refresh it for you....I went to the ER, remember now?
The doctor wanted me to return in exactly one week for more ex rays because we know last weeks diagnosis was

I would have taken advantage of the quick service but I think it involves police reports and civil lawsuits.
Sunday will be Father's Day at The Movies, so that should be a blast, except for JJ who is usually left out of the loop. I have to tell you, JJ gets a bit ticked because his BGFF Tabatha goes everywhere...for real. Sunday's movie should be a welcome change
This afternoon, I have my aqua aerobics at the pool in my senior compound.

I hate Friday the 13th. I always call in sick, and now I'm free to shop.
I love your new red bathing suit Grandma J....very chic!
Im confused. How does a doctor's appt. keep you from going to the movies. Even if they are slooooow, you have the whole rest of the day, you are retired now, with nothing else going on.
Think back, remember just last year, when you would WORK 8 hours (well, at your job, it probably equaled 1.75 with all the office parties and breaks and such)..but anyways, and sometimes you would still go to a movie after work. So, why should a few hours at the doc take up your whole day?
And...please, dont tell me that Tabatha goes to the movies! The way people take their dogs everywhere drives me crazy!
Hope the doctors find that your tiny finger is all better.
I'm confused. Is it your finger or something else because that is not the kind of doctor's office that looks at your finger!
I agree with HSH, you could SO do a dr. appt and a movie in the same day!
Stumbled onto your blog this afternoon and had to comment, you writing style is hilarious!
Y'all sure do grow some great big butterflies in Texas....
I hate to be over-scheduled. One doctor's appointment and one water aerobics class would be more than enough for me to do in one day. Besides, that severely cuts into my blog-addiction time. A movie on top of that? I'd be sweating like a pig, biting my fingernails from blog withdrawal.
Happy Friday!
You know my grandmother refers to female parts as twinkies.
crawling out from under the rock to say... "you (ask GrnJ) are the place to visit when Mx needs a smile"
Here's to good healing on the arm?/hand?/finger?....
hope to be back blogging soon... Father is uber sick
I'm So glad Jason linked
I love doctors offices too..been seeing to much of them lately!
Do you feel honored that you made Jason's one sentence soup of the week? =)
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