especially if you thought it was Mother's Day or my birthday, so you pampered the living daylights out of me...
Really and truly, that's how I felt today.
My Father passed away thirty five years ago, so I usually celebrate with whomever I live near. Like my son or one of my sons-in-law. This year it was my Texas daughter, her husband and my grandkids. I baked a chocolate bundt cake with almond flavored glaze for my son-in-law, and brought it over with a small gift from his "other son", JJ, accompanied by this picture for his "Dad".
We all headed out to the movies to see something guys like. But really, it was not too bad, I was surprised that I liked it, but I did.
After the movie, we went out for a bite to eat. Some of us were hungry, some weren't really, so we decided to go to our favorite deli, Jason's. I had a fruit platter, my grandson had a baked potato and my daughter and her husband had sandwiches. My granddaughter picked a bit off each plate. It worked out great.
So while we're chit chatting, I happen to ask if my granddaughter, who has humongous bigger feet than I do, might have some hiking boots or cold weather shoes I could borrow for my cruise because I live in flip flops or my New Balance walking shoes that are too light weight for traipsing around the Alaskan Tundra.. I don't even know if there is such a place as the Alaskan Tundra but it sounded like a good place to visit. It turns out her boots are size 10...yeah, well unless I wear six pairs of socks, that won't work.
My darling son-in-law, Master Sergeant John,says "let's go to the mall and look around for some hiking boots". Off we go, and we look in several stores. He like totally waits on me hand and foot, bringing me stuff to try on.
I finally decide on these.
Nice and versatile. The kicker? Before I can get my Sunday best flip flops on, my daughter is paying for my new shoes! So you see why I figured they had their holidays mixed up...or else, as I asked on the way home, "did my doctor call and say be extra nice because I was terminal or something"?
So now, I'll quit bragging about how blessed I am, and how fortunate I am to have such great kids and grandkids..and Sons-in-law.
What a nice day! If you ever need someone to try out your chocolate bundt cake (just to make sure it's okay!) I'd be happy to help out! :)
yes, you do have nice kids, and sons-in-law and grandkids.
I have boots and stuff that you can borrow, and Im pretty sure our feet are relatively the same size (give or take weight gain and pregnancy-foot-spread-syndrome.)
We went to THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH TODAY, where your thrill-seeking grandkids got pumped on adrenaline. They take after their Grandma J.
We did go on one slow ride, Nemo, (the submarine) and it reminded me of the time that my fraidy-cat brother cried because he didnt want to go on the Matterhorn, so you made me take him on the submarine while you and my sisters went on the matterhorn...and I punched him the whole way, because, hello, that is the world's most boring ride, EVAH!
Although, that's what Pooper said, about the Matterhorn, I asked him what he thought as we were getting off, and he said, "The world's most not scary ride." with a bored face.
and....Cortney, maybe I should fly out to Texas and do a chocolate tasting party for you, grandma j and all the cowgirls out there :)
How nice of your family to pamper you on Father's Day! You are ready to go now!
I haven't seen the Hulk, but the boys did, and they loved it. We stayed home and had the dads over for a BBQ and swimming.
How nice that you had such a nice Father's Day topped off with new shoes. Can I borrow them? And may I say JJ rocks!
Hi Grandma J!
I am behinder than ever, and haven't made it here is so long that I've grown a beard since you saw me last. But I always LOVE your comments; you make me smile every day. Thanks for that.
Very glad to hear that someone was pampering you, because I suspect you do a lot of pampering of other people. And you have a great family.
Cheers on this Monday morning,
Laurie @ Foolery
Yes, there is such a thing as Alaskan Permafrost. Bring a sweater. Except for on actual ice, it's lovely in Alaska this time of year.
Oh, look, you went and made me homesick.
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