..or big black hole
I hate to obsess about things, especially things that should be fairly simple. I don't subscribe to the Murphy's Law Club where if anything can go wrong it will. I am a
Some of you might vaguely remember me mentioning a cruise I'm taking to Alaska in September. Aboard this ship.

I booked this cruise back in December, and it was suggested by the cruise agent, at American Airlines, that I wait a while before booking my flights. With all the bruhaha with fuel prices, and the airlines charging extra for things like
Remember me telling you about flying to Seattle from Texas, which requires changing planes in Dallas? And, remember me mentioning flying back to Orange County CA after the cruise? Good...just stay with me on this. I board my first flight on American Airlines out of the small regional airport where I live at 5:30 A.M., changing planes in Dallas, then on to Seattle.
The cruise ends in Whittier Alaska, docking at 12:30 A.M, The shuttle to the airport in Anchorage takes two hours, give or take. So I book a flight out at 7:30 A.M. on USAirways, changing planes in Phoenix, on to OC. This is what my vacation routing looks like.
Expedia booked me on two different airlines because that was the most economic package. I called Expedia right away and explained that I had to change my fights going home because I
Things could be friends are booked on Alaska Airlines, and they filed for bankruptcy.
Tomorrow, I will call again! Then
I hate the airlines. One Christmas I was trying to fly home from VA on the 23rd to TX. I ended up spending the night in SC or somewhere. The next morning (Christmas Eve) I was on standby to fly to St. Louis (yeah, you tell me how that makes sense), and I called US Airways (who I was flying with) and the recording said "Your wait time to talk to an actual human is...(I swear I'm not exaggerating) 120 minutes!" 2 hours!!! How freakin' ridiculous is that?
I feel your pain. I can't imagine what happen to your Dallas/Seattle flight, but I experience more and more weird routes, probably due to Hubs, which I don't understand entirely. I mean I flew from Boston to Chicago, then Miami. You would think going straight to Miami from Boston would save fuel and time. Go figure
It's going to be a long walk from Dallas to Seattle. Hope you get it worked out!
...I seem to be okay with Southwest...they let me change flight times with no charge. I hoep this all works out...sounds like a tough one!
I agree with Marey, and I miss Southwest Airlines. Unfortunately they don't fly here. I miss all the cheap flights.
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