with not so flying colors
I saw this test on Katrine's site, Squibs and Crackers. It looked like something right up my alley, not too hard, and not too easy. Besides, I can't even imagine being a wife in the 1930's.
![]() | 49 As a 1930's wife, I am.. Very Average |
I didn't know how to answer some of those questions because some things change from year to year. For instance, how would you answer this question if it were true for two years, then not true, then true again...like a yoyo? -Is more than 15 pounds overweight.
I think the only time I've ever worn a dress and/or apron to cook would be on Christmas or Easter....but I doubt if they were worn and tattered. I would have thrown those out.
But all in all, I think I did fine, you know, considering. So readers, take the test and let me know how you did?
and just so you know? I don't think wearing red nail polish matters.
I got a 119 - very superior. Though I answered how I thought a 1930's wife should be and not how I actually am. =)
Well, of course I did it incorrectly...I scored a 73 but thought you were supposed to answer how you thought a typical wfie of the 1930's was (as opposed to how you would be in the 1930's).
IF I were to go back and take it using my own answers, I'm reasonably sure I'd score a zero, unless it is possible to score negative/below zero.
Very entertaining...I wonder if they have one of these for the wife of the 2000's?
Well, I just took it as me, and I got a 97. I guess I would transplant well. =)
I scored it as me, and not how I thought a 1930's wife should be. The questions pretty much tell you what is expected. Like the seams being straight on your hosiery...umm no.
CGS, you are one amazing woman, your husband needs to reward you in a big way!
CBW, you need to take it again. Not that I don't think you would still score high, but I can't be the only one out there with a 49! I mean really, I thought I was a pretty good wife. Just because I didn't wear a dress and red nail polish while I moved the lawn..
OMG I am a 22!!!! LMAO is all I can say...maybe it's because I put my cold feet on my husbands body to keep them warm!? I must really suck as a wife! This is just so funny... I am totally putting this on my blog today!
OK...went back to try and "redeem" myself...I got 16...I am making myself a drink!
Oh, gosh, I scored a 40. I did really bad. I am embarrased. And I think that I am a really good wife. Does that mean that I am a bad wife? Hmmm?
I am thinking about taking the test again :) Kayce
Carolyn and KC, You guys are the best! I was feeling very lonely with my 49. Carolyn, I can't wait to see what people tell you!
How fun! The comments are making me laugh!
I decided to be brutally honest....yes, I complain, .....I dont tell him how many he is and all that kind of stuff....I drive the car, ....and was pleasantly surprised to get a 58. I do make balanced meals for dinner, I stay at home to care for the kids, and must be doing something not so terribly wrong.
Well, I took this test and to no suprise I am very poor wife material...hehe. No wonder we are just living together and not married. This is great - adding it to my blog.
I answered as I thought they would want me to. and I got 103 :-)
If I scored as me...OH I'd think I'd get a 41
Turns out I'm average too.. 52 points. Not bad, I also don't have kids so I think I answered those wrong. Oh well
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