If you were an actress, and you got a call from a central casting to do a commercial for a pharmacutical company, how excited would you be?
What about doing a commercial for a product like Phillips Colon Health products? Ok, it's really almost a PSA but with a pay check.
Taking care of ones colon is a serious matter. God only knows that Grandma J makes no bones about taking care of her colon by getting it
Now let's say you signed on with Phillips, and go on a whirlwind tour promoting their colon cleansing products. Kind of like when Pioneer Woman jets around the country promoting her book at signings and on all the daytime TV shows.......
And, how fun would it be to see your face plastered on the walls of the airport terminal as you walk along on the people mover.....similar to the Geico Apes.
And look how special you are with your very own Purple Colon Health carry-on bag? Grandma J just loves free corporate gifts.
And the excitement would never end when stranger's come running up to you!
WOMAN: You’re the colon lady!
COLON LADY (grinning from ear to ear): Diarrhea constipation gas bloating that’s me!
Then, you proceed to hand out samples of Phillips Colon Cleansing kits!
Here's a short clip of The Colon Lady as she proudly boasts about her new identity...
This is almost as irritating as the woman who yells....at Toby's new trick!

HA HA! I think I'm glad I'm not famous---at least, I'm glad I'm not famous for being the colon lady anyway!! Funny post! Thanks for making me smile. :-)
I'd rather watch Toby and his bottom-itching ways any day over this!
Women will do anything for a buck. You'd never catch a man doing that commercial.
I think this is a better ad than the one about the birth control ring, with the swimmers! GAH! Of course, who wants to talk about our colons?
I can't view videos on my ridiculous dial-up ,but I did enjoy the e-mail you sent earlier today. You know, the one about the bridges and monuments and what not.
No, perhaps you wouldn't see a man doing a commercial for a colon product. They do Viagra or Cialis commercials where even erectile dysfunction is made to look like a good thing, what with their e_____tions that last over 3 hours and all. "Call your doctor if you ________tion lasts over 3 hours."
Really? Don't you think the WOMAN should be calling the doctor if that's the case?
I'm way off track here. Good night!
Yep, that is annoying. I would rather live with Toby. :0
Although...colon health is very important to me too. That is why we discuss such things at the dinner table.
Oh my word. She is annoying. I DO love that special purple tote bag though... I might do it just for the tote bag.
Or not!
Nothing is sacred anymore!
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