...or lurking in CenTex
There are three categories of people I love...besides family, pets,
1. Bloggers: That seem like BFF's...all of them. It's like a community of people from all over...some young, some old, some married, some single....and some, if not most are pretty loony.
2. Guests: that come read my goofy blog, and leave comments. Mostly women except for Michael K. , Jason (who are also bloggers), Colin and my new boyfriend Nick.
3. Lurkers: Yeah, I love lurkers. A while back I introduced you to these guys. The Public Servants from the OC.
So, you can see that there is a whole lot of people that Grandma J loves...a plethora of happy campers...and can someone please tell me how to disable the touch pad on this laptop?
I check my site meter

With a little more sleuthing around...and random DNA testing on the Blue Bell ice cream containers in the dumpster, I found my lurkers!

And just to follow my sharp intuition, I have a funny feeling there is another lurker too. Now, I don't have any DNA

Now you see why Grandma J loves her lurkers in Central Texas just as much as the ones in the OC.
Can I get an Amen?
Are you trying to guilt me into commenting? It worked. I still don't know how you hurt your pinky, I'm sure it's a good story. Let me know when we're goint to lunch.
Carol M. OC Govt. Lurker
You have extremely too much time on your hands!
Gramma J - I agree, I just love my blogging friends. I look forward to seeing what everyone has to say for the day.
You're farther than I am on sitemeter, I cannot quit figure it out or could it be I may just be too lazy?
Carol M. get together with AG, PG and CZ. pick a day the week of 9/ 22-26 when your boss is gone. Lets do Mexican...I miss the So CA v.
Ha! Cortney...you are so right! The beauty of being retired is the guilt-free excessive blogging. I still have to pinch myself to make sure I haven't died and gone to blogger heaven.
OMG...i am totally your new bf!! how funny. i'm here on a daily basis now and trying to figure out an excuse to end up in texas and happen to bump into you at wallyworld! have a good day and i'll be back tomorrow!
PP, on your sitemeter you can check by location.
Im confused, are you trying to say that Dr. Bob is lurking on your site? Is he stalking you?
We love you Grandma. I know the sista's have loved meeting all kinds of new peeps.
I am still learning sitemeter.
Sorry...Missouri here..not me
Oh, I have so missed reading your blog! So good to be back! I needed a good laugh.
Look you outset a lurker!!
I have my reg blog that I visit any free moment I get.
Yours is definitly one of them.
I LOVE the Grandma Rita stories to.
Your very witty
Oh, grandma J. I am so proud and honored you consider me a loony! I've strived all my life (with very little effort, may I add) and approve--if not go to great lengths to prove--that label.
And PLEASE don't tell any Rita stories while I'm gone next week. I heart Rita. We're definitely simpatico.
Oh, and one more thing. Grandma J. is most definitely a genius. She's my 911 technology support. She's the man. Or the lady. The grandma?
Amen! And a lot of people love Grandma J, too.
I must be somewhat 'slow'....I don't get what a lurker is? I arrived here via Michael K & I comment---does that make me a lurker or a reader?!?! Can you tel where I am? In New Mexico---hollywod :)
We said that we were friends who leave comments. Even though we've never met, you know most of my family one way or another...so we're friends now. =) Meghann
hollywood, my definition of a lurker is someone who reads blogs but doesn't comment. Usually a shy thing. You aren't a lurker since you commented and asked a question or two. You rock! Now, the bad news is, I can't see where you are because I had to delete my sitemeter. I couldn't log on to my site, and another blogger had the same problem and emailed me, telling me the culprit was sitemeter.
Now, before today, I could see the location of all the hits to my site. Not your address, but your location...city state, country. Sorry to say I'm gonna miss my site meter.
Amen sistah
Great Blog from a former lurker lmao
Amen.....from a non-lurking blogger from CA....now in UT....and wondering if you check by location if it says Salt Lake or Ogden? I am in the between, where the porcupine and rattle snakes roam!
Happy Saturday!
Amen Grandma Deluxe!
Keeper would have loved Grandma Rita! Especially if he/she knew that she made HSH get out of the car at the freeway exit one day. oh wait, I got that backwards- HSH made Grandma Rita get out of her car! LOL
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