It was sad leaving So CA...
My whole reason for going on this short but sweet junket was to babysit so HSH could go to Dove Chocolate School and a Dove Convention, then spend a few days with my son and his family, and meet up with old friends that I miss terribly.
Things started out fine with am American Girl Birthday luncheon...and a Superbowl bash the next day.
I got to the beach once with Little one.
I was amazed at how grown up Pooper was with his typical eight year old love of Nintendo DS. And spent time eating junk and seeing a movie with some awesome kids.

she ended back in the hospital with internal bleeding keep it simple.
The weather turned cold and wet...reflecting the turn of events.
If you
Rebeckah, my neighbor wouldn't dare try to infringe on my patio while I'm gone, ever never!
Oh, and once I get caught up on dirty laundry I'm planning to leave again the end of March for Denver. I'm gonna drive this time....maybe spend a day in Santa Fe on the way. Of course I have to honk my horn at Hollywood as a pass through Albuquerque.... Wanna come along?

Through Albuquerque or just Santa Fe??! Woo-hoo! You could stop for Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts (aren't you missing those in TX?)
What a busy lady! Pooper looks like a grown man! Crazy! I bet a road trip with you would be TOO much fun! Glad you're home!
Can't believe how much the little one looks like Pooper! Even if I wasn't one of those friends you planned on calling but didn't get around to - I'm gonna pretend I was.
The kids pictures are really cute...well, except for the shy mystery friend...he is kinda creepy.
Sorry to hear your DIL is back in the hospital...I hope she is doing better now.
If it takes you from now until the end of March to get your laundry done, we need to talk lady.
Glad you made it home safe and sound.
Glad you're home safe and sound, and I hope your DIL is recovering.
Those babies are SO cute!!! Their eyes get me every time:)
I hope your daughter-in-law is better. And am glad you are home and doing laundry;) I cannot imagine going to California and not getting a burger at In n Out!
What beautiful grandbabies you have. I hope daughter-in-law is on the mend.
Grandma D.J. is my hero - she knows how to live.
Too bad you had to come home so soon...I am heading down south tomorrow!
Glad your trip was fun...except for the hospital stuff...looks like you had a great time with the grandkids :)
I hope your DIL is alright now. Glad you are safe and sound.
Sorry your trip didn't go exactly as planned, but that happens sometimes. Hope your daughter-in-law is ok.
I will pray for dear daughter in law...or daughter in LOVE : ) whatever you pick!
I can not believe how grown up your grandson looks. OH MY GOODNESS. How do they get so big? Do you know, I can't get Kaishon to play his DS for anything. Seriously. Is he a normal child?
The babies eyes are SO big I can't believe it. They take up half her face.
Glad you are safe and sound. You are the coolest Grandma around.
Glad you are back safe and sound! Your grandbabies are adorable. Sooo cute!
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