Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Two things Grandma J thought she knew all about. You know how it works....you make some three hundred cookies or cupcakes and sell them for fifty cents. At the end of the day, you have enough money to go have pizza to pay the entry fees for the next tournament two states away.

Since the ball players had to actually do all the selling because the fathers were busy negotiating a group rate at a hotel for the team and family members, and the mothers were busy practicing Karaoke washing uniforms and packing for the upcoming tournament weekend.

So, A-Ron asked Grandma J to make something different...and by different he wasn't talking about Grandma J's famous fortune cookies. He wanted her to make something special that would taste good for a change. One of his favorite snacks.... So she did.

First you melt stuff......

Then you make it blue.......

Then you add secret ingredients and ....Voilà! You have a Cookie Monster Rice Crispy Treat.

Or two. A-Ron hawked them off for $5 each. He said they sold like hotcakes and he could have sold ten more.
Now, let's play ball!!


Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Could you design something to sell at Blog Fest? A crab, perhaps, or a heron?

Great job. Grandma J's talents appear to be limitless, fortune cookies notwithstanding.

Pat Jenkins said...

they look great!!.... grandma j you should be proud of yourself for all the involvement you show with everything you do, especially when it comes to your grandchildren! i hope these are labors of love for you!... keep 'em travlin'..... and annie duke all the way.....

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Your creativity knows no bounds does it. I'm going Joan Rivers IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII just can't stand annIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIe Duke (it's all about I).

Keeper Of All Things said...

Wow!!! I'm sooooo using this great idea!!

Mental P Mama said...

That is so cute! My children were so deprived of a crafty mama....

Linda said...

The last time I made anything like this, they turned out like hockey pucks!

You are a talented person!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You are so talented. I have never made rice krispie treats. I know, I am a bad mom.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

How very cool are they! I am so like stealing that idea for the next school fundraiser!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

PS can you send me the directions? Or is it a receipe? I dont cook you know.

The Traveling Yogi said...

Love the cookie monster treat!!!! I bet that did sell well.

I didn't even realize until your comment that Tank was in the background of the pic I posted! Too funny.

Haven't kept exact figures on the amount I've raised, but it's over $13,000 at this point. But, I couldn't have done it without people like you who support me all the time. Thank yous will be coming soon.

Deb said...

Bless you for the support of your grandchildren. I am sure that I will be doing the same in a few years. buying cookies, candy, gift wrap paper...etc!

Dawn said...

five dollars? i bet he coulda got $10! very cool... i love that cookie monster :)

I Am Woody said...

I love those!! Next time the girls come for a sleepover, we are making them!!

Big Hair Envy said...

OMG!! I just KNEW you were going to make those!!! LOVE THEM!! Now, I just have to come up with an excuse to make them....

Unknown said...

Noe Noe Girl and anyone else who wanted this info: NO SUBSTITUTIONS!

1. Melt one stick of butter.

2. Add one bag of small Kraft marshmallows, stir until melted (low heat).

3. Color mixture w/food coloring (green for wreaths, orange for pumpkins etc)

4. Add Rice Krispies (not store brand!)and mix until all covered.

5.Dump (I love saying dump) onto plate/platter/ or cake round, and shape with wet hands, leaving it lumpy looking. Push indentation for eyes and mouth.

6.use large marshmallows or white icing for the eyes but didn't have any, so I melted small ones (not good).

7.Put black icing around the mouth, then add cookies. Make sure they are pushed up against the icing so they set up.

Honesly, I don't know why kids love this stuff but they do. I have tried using margarine, and off brand marshmallows and rice krispies and for some reason, they don't taste the same.

Anonymous said...

I would buy one of those if you could promise me that my tongue wouldn't end up blue.


CGS said...

That is awesome! I definately need a reason to make one!

M said...

Soooooooooo cute!! I could go for one right now....do they ship well??

Leave a Legacy said...

Just came across your site and loved what I saw. I'll use this recipe idea for my grandkids. Look forward to "visiting" you again.
Grandma Nina

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Thanks GJ! You da bomb girl! Little T and I will have a blast making these!

Unknown said...

These are so brilliant. My Grandma's were both fun and special like you. I think that is why I love you so very much! Thank you for always making my heart fill up with lovely memories!