Thursday, June 25, 2009


I have a really bad habit of having at least two energy efficient TVs on all day long. They have to be on the same channel so I don't go batty as I sashay from room to room doing my chores. Basically it's all news, nothing I have to watch, just listen.

So, since I don't have to share get to pick what's on, you're wondering what drives me nuts, right? It's commercials. Not all commercials. Some are cute, some are informative, and others drive me crazy.

I've told you how I feel about Vince of ShamWow fame, and even more so after his arrest for almost biting that prostitute's tongue off.

Then they was that women screeching TOBY! as her dog drags his butt across her carpet.

NOW.....I've had it up to here ^^^ with the Verizon Commercial that plays every twelve minutes all day long.

*Please note, I muted the sound on the commercial to take the pictures....

you know, the one with Devon, Mr. fear of commitment.

And Cindy, who finds his Verizon wireless network dependency weird.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the Capital One commercial? Yeah, the Spaghetti Jimmy wins.... saying, "What's in your wallet?"

Is there a commercial that drives you nuts?


mdvelazquez said...

All of the Verison commercials drive me nuts. In addition to the one you mentioned, the one with the family in the ice cream parlor and the one with the piniata make me nuts.

Pat Jenkins said...

i think we all have seen enough of the car "insurance" ads! progressive, geico, even president palmer and all state!!!... p.s. tivo or dvr everything so you "skip" right thru them in the future!!... he he...

Unknown said...

HATE commercials...once they start a new on, it's all ethey show for the next 9 months...over and over and over and over.....
I leave 2 TVs on TOO. Walking from room to room...I might miss something important! :)

Linda said...

I don't think I've seen one that makes me want to go out and buy whatever they are selling. I do get to go to the BR when they are on, though, so I guess they have their place.

Jen said...

The commercial goes on and on and on....
need I say more?

I Am Woody said...

Ummm, just about all of them!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Having a most irritating commercial assumes I watch TV, which I don't due to internet addiction, however over Christmas break I did watch quite a bit and the one that made me blink back tears of torture becuase it was like being assaulted/brainwashed every two seconds was the NutriSystem commercials. Oh, how I hate a nutrisystem commercial.

Busy Bee Suz said...

These are all annoying. I still can't stand that guy yelling at me about oxyclean. Really, I don't put the TV on until I start dinner in the evening, so I avoid most of this stuff.
Plus, I have no clue what is going on in the world either. :)

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I'm with Busy Bee Sue- I would really like to stuff something in his pie hole!

Unknown said...

I don't like tv that much. Kaishon loves it of course. Gary ADORES it. I mean, I seriously live with 2 tv ADDICTS. I get sick of hearing about the Disney shows that are coming on later in the day. It is so annoying. And Gary is laying right here beside me and he says he hates a toyota commercial but he can't give me any specifics. I am going to pay careful attention the next few days so I can give you a better answer. I read your comment to Gary about missing me and he said I could come over and read all your posts that I missed : ). See, everyone in America loves Grandma J! said...

OH, Hell, yeah! And, for some unknown reason, none of them come to mind at the moment! (and yet, I am thankful that I'm not thinking of them or their annoying little jingles.)
The witch screaming at Toby has got to be in the top 10, though.

hollywood said...

The car insurance girl w/the red lipstick irks me to no end (I have to mute or change channel).......but more than that are the commercials for the vocational schools that say 'if she can do it, you can do it'....does that mean that girl is a moron of some sort??? I could go on and on.....

hollywood said...

however, I LOVE the Sonic guys. :)

Jason, as himself said...

I only watch things I have recorded on my DVR. It is against my religion to do otherwise, no I know not of what you speak.

Unknown said...

Funny stuff

Leave a Legacy said...

Hi G.J., I also keep 2 TV's on, which drives My Bob crazy. But I don't want to just sit, so this way I can clean, do laundry, etc. and not miss anything. Yes, the commercials drive me nuts. Speaking of commercials, I just now heard on the news (since I always have the TV on) that Billy Mays (the infomercial As Seen on TV guy) just died. Did you ever notice that when you channel surf, no matter when or what time of day, you only switch from commercial to commercial. Makes me seriously think there is more commercial time than actual TV show time.