Tuesday, June 9, 2009

You Decide....

I told you how I hurt my knee with all my moving from the Compound to the Spa. I went to the Orthopedic guy, Dr. Bob. He's the same Dr. I saw when I jammed my pinky finger and thought they'd amputate it was broken.

Just so you understand what Grandma J is going through, this is what your knee probably looks like....

And Grandma J knows for a fact thinks her knee probably looks like this.

So, with the temperatures hitting the high 90's today, and with her bum knee, Grandma J probably won't be hanging out at the pool .
She has decided to see another Matinee. And of course if she took her any of her grandson's they would want to see something Trekkie, or about Transformers. So, since you all know she won't be seeing anything like that, she has few choices.....

This is probably a chick flick, about a gal who follows a guy to Greece and he dumps her, or he jumps off a cliff. Either way, she's on her own.

Then we have a sequel to a movie Grandma J sort of liked, but didn't go ga-ga over. Either of these will do, but I want you to help me decide. Because Grandma J is nothing if not fair.....majority will rule. I will go with the Peoples' Choice! I trust you, I do.


mdvelazquez said...

I hope your knee is better soon, Grandma J.

I vote for Night at the Museum. I've heard positive things about it.

The Good Eater said...

I vote for Night in the Museum.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I saw Night at the Museum last week. I never saw the first one, but I thought this one was good. Of course I also thought Ace Ventura Pet Detective was good when it came out years ago, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

p.s. Hope your knee feels better soon...can't wait to see pictures of the new pool and Grandma J's Spa Friends.

Philly said...

I saw My Life in Ruins on friday. Was cute and funny. She is a tour guide and the people on this particular tour make the movie, they were hiliarious, Richard Drefus is in it and I love him.
Have fun whatever movie you see and come back and review.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. I hope you find some solutions to the problem that don't require a knife, saw and staple gun to put it back together. As far as the move, I for for My Life in Ruins although I think it will probably resemble My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Hmmmm, wonder why I would think that??????

hollywood said...

Are you taking grandkids? If not, see Hangover. I had the ladies at Curves telling me they laughed outloud @ it----my son went and saw it last night and said it was funny.

Take some Aleve before you go or your knee will ache in the movie! (lol, bring a pillow to prop it up! and assert your medical rights, get PJB to write you a note)

Unknown said...

I vote for Hangover as a write in request. From what I have seen that one is halarious. But, if there is only these two to chose from, then Night at the Museum.

Hope your knee is feeling better, I have the exact same knee, drawing and all.

Deb said...

Bummer about your knee...will you have to have knee surgery or just some cortizone? Either way, that pretty much sucks. I hope you get better soon.

Why not see both? Night at the Museum first, because I want to see it. Then, wait for the DVD to come out on the other. But that's just me...

Anonymous said...

Go see Night at the Museum. I liked it OK.


Unknown said...

I pick the greek movie. But I am not a good picker. SO sad about your knee. Hope the Dr. makes you all better QUICKLY!

Pat Jenkins said...

i'd pass on them both grandma j! play hurt and head to the pool!!..... has j bear landed yet?

Anonymous said...

I am sure you have already decided because it is matinee time in TX...hope you enjoyed yourself and that your knee heels soon!

From the former blogger in CA

Jen said...

Night at the Museum. We liked #1.
Ben is funny and cute. :) So go for it!
It'll take your mind off pain.

Karen Deborah said...

Greek the first movie was too awesome.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I go with the chick flick. :)
The night at the museum was cute....but I love a good chick flick.
Hope you get something done for that knee soon...have you tried the hot tub? that can really make all your worries fade away....
take care, suz

Mental P Mama said...

It's all that nasty neighbor's fault. gah Feel better;)

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

I would have gone for the greek one, or as some said the Hangover. Which ever you choose I hope you were able to take your mind off your knee for a bit, sorry to hear it's causing so much distress. Hope it feels better soon.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Hope your knee gets alright soon! I hate a bum knee.