Thursday, August 7, 2008


I'm getting to really love this weekly feature. It's making me realize some of the treasures I have right under my nose. This week I'd like to share with you a pettipoint chair that my mother, Rita gave me...and before that it was my grandmothers. Not only was it my grandmother's before Rita, but I believe she bought it at an antique auction.

This chair currently resides in the home of my Middle Daughter, aka JJ's mom. It's in my son-in-law's War Room. That is a subject for another day. But the chair is highly visible to visitors from the entry way.

The upholstery is original and NO ONE CAN SIT ON IT. A lesson my poor son-in-law learnt the first time he tried to put his cute buns in the chair.

The wood is carved with detail. I love this chair. So does my daughter...because I gave it to her...but it's still mine until the day I die. Don't tell her I said that.

If you'd like to participate in Vintage Thingie Thursday, hop on over to Confessions of an Apron Queen and add your name and link to the list then post your Vintage Thingie on your site for everyone to come see.


heartshapedhedges said...

Id love to see a "things Im leaving my children when I die" post....

I accept that "middle daughter" gets the coveted chair...I believe she also gets the antique bed....

what about the rest of us?

Many families pass down their prized heirlooms to the eldest, how about it...

And, NO, Im not interested in your shoe collection!

Amy said...

oh that is just stunning - I've dreamed about owning a chair like that :-)

Beth Ann said...

Absolutely beautiful chair!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Unknown said...

: ) Love the chair! And I LOVE the sibling fight over it... I think all kids do that, right? My brother Johnny gets all the great things from my parents. He is the baby. My sister Betsy got some things too...I got nothing : ). Well, they did let me raise my baby there for 7 years. That was a great gift for both of us.

Jennifer said...

That chair is beautiful!

Coloradolady said...

What a cute chair, I love the wood detail. And heartshapedhedges.....I feel ya, I'm a first born too, and have said the same thing. Ha. Great chair.

Suzanne said...

Gorgeous. You just can't get things made like that anymore.
A nice family piece.

Lacking Productivity said...

I totally love that chair...I'm crazy about vintage stuff.

The Dorsey Boys said...

gotta agree w/ HSH....

The Dorsey Boys said...

Oh, wait I don't agree about it going to the oldest! I think the ones that are nicest to you should get it or youngest :)

Anonymous said...

My grandma used to have a chair like that, I can see it in my head, I have no idea what happened to it. It was black w/ pink flowers. I loved that chair. Thanks for the memory :-)


The chair should go to the one who
will love and cherish it as much as
you do. It is gorgeous and truly
amazing it still has the original
needlework! WOW What a chair!

Keeper Of All Things said...

I love that chair!!!!
As I get things.....jewlery , Furniture ,Evening Gowns ( I have 3 girls and they think they might some day want to wear my gowns)
My kids call out
I know my kids are real sweethearts huh?

Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

It's beautiful! I don't blame you for not wanting anyone to sit in it. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

oh man grandma what an awesome chair!!!

love it


Charlotte said...

Lovely chair. I enjoyed your post about Kelsey Grammar too. I like him and Mel both very much, but alas, they are both too young for me.

Anonymous said...

Original fabric? That is fantastic. I love that no one can sit in it. I'm participating in Vintage Thingies Thursdays for the first time over at my blog Stop by!

Anonymous said...

Is that chair in the 'no-no' room? My mother has a room we call that and to this day & my 17 year old son still refers to 'no-no' things in Grandmas house! He is 6"2 about 250 lbs and doesn't touch the no-no's.
PS...I am getting the card ack for my camera and doing Vintage Thingies...I think I will post a picture of my old husband first!

Unknown said...

Charlotte, Mel and Kelsey are both too young for me too. But hey, look at Nick? He's only 26 and can't stay away!

Unknown said...

Hollywood, do you have a blog? How am I gonna see a picture of your husband?
Oh that guy floating in the pool? The first time I used that picture I said "one is sleeping and one is dead"

Eileen said...

oooo.. that wood carving is exsquisite! Lovely chair.

Thank you so much for welcoming me to VTT. I am loving it so far, and already taking pictures of things for next week!

heartshapedhedges said...

I can not participate in Vintage Thingy Thursdays, because, hello, nothing has been passed down to me.

Same with Dorsey Boys, Im guessing.

Unknown said...

HSH, You can always do "ten word tuesdays"

The Apron Queen said...

shh, you're secret is safe w/ me. :) Gorgeous chair. I wouldn't sit in it either

Confessions of an Apron Queen

Anonymous said...

grandma j, I think you are making me WANT a blog. But I think I can live vicariously through posting (what is the term for that? Wannabeblogger?)

Anonymous said...

Sheesh, See the dialogue you open up when you post the don't sit on this chair chair. I enjoyed all the banter and the chair.

M said...

Also gave me an idea for next Vintage Thursday! And aren't the aprons the cutes! I think I found her blog through THANKS! it is now a favorite!

Pleasing Procrasinator said...

That is a beautiful chair. The details are amazing!!!

M said...

Yep, I couldn't think of "grease pencil" so I used "crayon" even though I knew it wasn't right. Thanks for correction!- The coolest thing is that I have a whole tin bread box of sundries and meds from the 2 year supply (Mormons know about this,) from the 30's. Each item from the old bandaid tin to the shaving cream and old razor and blades have the price in grease pencil! That's another Vinatge Thursday post!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Uh, oh, 30 comments? I think you're becoming one of those famous bloggers who won't even get this, but if you've been tagged. Stop on over, if you're not too busy. :)

heartshapedhedges said...

I had grapes with lunch, but it wasnt an option on the poll.

BTW, if you get too busy racking your brain, I gave you some helpful hints for the "quirks" game of tag, they are on pumpkins blog.

and....what a shame that the post you removed was just some foriegn spam, I was hoping for a juicy story about it.

Unknown said...

grapes aren't fruit, they are plump raisins.