and all things fattening
This has been a week of family celebrations here in Texas. If getting cornered to look at family photos nauseates you, then this post won't be your cup of tea or glass of tequila. It started with the graduation of my granddaughter who's Miss All That With a Cherry on Top.
I know you're thinking, Gosh Grandma J sure is short and fat, but really? my granddaughter is extremely tall. Don't be fooled by her looks...she graduated from Middle School, and will be entering the ninth grade in the Fall.
Here's another picture of Miss Graduate with her brother, who's also the Birthday Boy. I don't think he's pinching her because I can see both his hands. Could it be she has to go potty shoes that hurt her feet?
Then we grab some poor soul who's trying to take their own pictures, to take a family photo of all five of us. Besides the Graduate and Birthday Boy we have Grandma J, her Middle Daughter and her handsome husband, Master Sergeant John...who has served two deployments to Iraq. Those deployments were sandwiched with two deployments to Korea. Don't tell anyone, but I heart John. John is also Tabatha's big brother.
The Birthday Boy turned 12! He is on a traveling baseball team, when he's not on his traveling basketball or football teams. Because of all his sports obligations, the party with all the boogie woogie...get down stuff was "on the road".
Imagine if you will, about fifteen families staying at Motel 6 partying. Does anyone wonder why Grandma J likes hanging with JJ on weekends?
If you think the partying is over, think again. I won't let celebrations like these go without a trip to our favorite restaurant. Well, it's really the Birthday Boy's favorite, and that's all Grandma J needs to know.
Then we had some of this.....
And these....
Topped off with four crazies digging their spoons into this.
Wow, Trea sure has gotten tall....she was always beautiful, but now she is beautiful and tall. And....I think she is wearing flat shoes, not even heals...can you imagine??
Congratulations beautiful girl! I still remember your first sleep over at my house,,,,I think you were only a month old. I remember you slept on my chest the whole night, you were so sweet, and even then, had those gorgeous dimples.
Aaron has grown into quite a young man. My Honey and I still reminisce about going to Tucson to visit (when we lived in Scottsdale)...that kid cried for hours and hours straight! Not. Kidding. See that big smile? Imagine it wide open and crying....for hours! Now he is a big, strong athlete, SSShhhhh...we wont tell his teammates about that crying episode in Arizona.
We are having some celebrations here too. Beauty graduates from pre-school. Yes, they have a graduation ceremony for that....we will have to go out to Chili's to celebrate too...and, yes, we will get that scrumptious Molten Lava Cake (there is nothing better!!) Someone in our family likes hers with extra caramel, and, uh....4 people = at least 2 of those things! I could only imagine the frenzy (or FIGHT) that would ensue if they only brought us one!
What a beautiful family you have. Your granddaughter is gorgeous, and I can't believe she is just going into high school. Glad you got to take your grandson to dinner for his birthday. That's a tradition in our family as well.
Wow, Trea is so tall and grown up looking. At frist I was thinking "she's not in high school yet? Where did the years go?" Well I'm glad I didn't miss place four years. Congratulations to the grad. and brithday boy.
Oh I forgot to sign my post above,
Hi Janice this is Carol Z
I don't think the process of loading the video is hard - I could see it working, but I'm wondering if my file is too big for blogger. It is 9-10 minutes long and has music set to it.
What a beautiful family you have, along with heartshapedhedges kiddos.
Your Middle daughter and her soldier husband are a good looking couple.
I love love Chili's, good choice!
OMG I have a tall boy for that girl!
Happy Celebrating...I will be in 6 more days!!
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